2010-11-20 Holland: Amsterdam, Paradiso

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2010-11-20 Holland: Amsterdam, Paradiso


Post by Tiki »

joooory' date='Nov 22nd 2010, 3:02 PM

Voodoo & FYE





MA Partial


WLL Partial

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2010-11-20 Holland: Amsterdam, Paradiso


Post by Tiki »

joooory' date='Nov 22nd 2010, 4:41 PM

New Gifs different angle ~

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2010-11-20 Holland: Amsterdam, Paradiso


Post by Tiki »

Hand' date='Nov 22nd 2010, 5:19 PM

Sorry for not being very articulate... I'm not really conscious yet. It's starting to hit me how freaking huge thing the whole concert in Amsterdam and all the epicness was. I can't even process it yet. I'm amazed by my luck and that hasn't happened to me that often, never. Seriously, there's several things that might have ruined everything, it was all about making right choices in right time.

Let's start with the fact I wouldn't even gone to Amsterdam unless I hadn't been clever enough to book my flight for Monday. My original plan was to go see shows in Berlin and Cologne. Cologne was on Friday and I planned to go home on Saturday. I decided to extend my holiday to Monday only because there was an ice-hockey game in Düsseldorf (30 minutes away from Cologne) I wanted to go. One (1) day after I had booked and paid everything, flights & accommodation, the freaking AO released a date for GNT in Amsterdam. A.day.after. So, why wouldn't I go? 20€ for a concert ticket, ~70-80€ for train tickets from Germany to Holland and back plus 40€ for sharing a hotel room with my friend who flew in Amsterdam from Finland.

Anyhoooo. It's gonna be long.

After getting a few hours of sleep after the amazing show in Cologne I was ready to rush to the train station. I was eaaaaarly, like an hour so I had this great idea of leaving my luggage in lockers at the Düsseldorf train station so I didn't need to carry it around for an hour. Good idea yes, unless you're not careful and leave your luggage in wrong locker (there were two kinds of lockers: for 24 hours and for one hour). I picked the last one and over an hour later tried to get it out of the locker. And it wouldn't open! And OF COURSE I didn't have enough coins to buy another hour so I would get my stuff out of there. PANIC. Less than 15 minutes until my train would depart and I'd have to change cash to coins... every cafe and store at the station had enormous lines, I didn't have time to wait and hope they would change for me. Finally found a nice lady and got coins... and missed my train. UGH. No fcking way, not tonight! The next train would leave at ~noon, 70 minutes later, let's wait then, I could still be in time for M&G in Amsterdam.

I knew I had to change trains twice which didn't seem that stressful beforehand, last time we went to Amsterdam we had three changes and no problems. My first change was in Herzogenrath, everything went well although I was so skerd and freaking out because it was a small station with no arrival/departing train screens. I knew which track my train should leave and when so it was easy after all. The hell was out in the next changing station, Herleem, in Holland near the border... after I walked up the right track waiting, I saw a scary looking map of Holland. A giant map poster with full of numbers and explanations and dates. I don't speak Dutch and very little German but it was pretty obvious to me. Several parts of railway in between of Herleem and Amsterdam were out of use.

OH FCK NO, PLEASE NO. Please someone tell me it doesn't affect today!

And of course it does... two or three parts of rail road were out of use in 20th November. I AM DEAD. I looked at the explanations and schedule changes more closely, the-mess-whatever-it-was (idk if it was the station fire Tammo mentioned earlier of if it was some kind of railway construction) would extend my train trip 60-90 minutes. NO. NO. NO. I don't have time for this! omg. No. There was a railway station staff lady to whom I walked to ask if the train was going to Amsterdam. "No. You have to change in Eindhoven and in Rotterdam"

"omg :'( what umm eek help me ahcsksfjkjfds wut :fear: when what where please slowly halp" I bet my face was white as snow and eyes looking horrified and panicked. The lady said I should be in Eindhoven in 3.30 pm and promised there would be information shared in the train so that calmed me down a bit. So, the train departed from Herleem. As the conductor came to check tickets I asked if he knew from which track does the train to Rotterdam leave. I think I looked even more horrified than before because he kinda smiled/lol'd at my skerdy face and shaky hands and said in Eindhoven I'd have to get a train to Den Haag. o_O Oooooookay. wtf. What happened to Rotterdam. I didn't even care, I was confused and skerd enough what the heck was going to happen. I was dying from panic and he tried to calm me down by looking timetables and informed me the next train would depart from the opposite track at 5.35. I was getting even more panicked as he wrote notes for me. 5.35???? NOOOOOOOOO. NO CHANCE I MAKE IT TO AMSTERDAM IN TIME. Even if M&G runs late, the doors open at 7 pm and in the opposite side of the country. :'( FML. I wanted to cry so bad, I hadn't eaten anything (except Latte from Starbucks) all day and not much the day before either but I so freaking horrified and scared I couldn't even think of taking a sandwich and eating it. I thought my heart would explode and jump out of my body and I bet my pulse was way too high. A few moments later my friend sms'd me and said Neil hadn't tweeted anything so M&G probably would start in time, at 5 pm. Great. No chance, I lost my hope. I would be happy if I could even see the show, I had already lost hope for getting front rows. Everyone would be inside the venue way before my arrival in Amsterdam. I only could accept the situation and think it was my destiny, I had already met him the day before and seen him several days. I had run out of luck already.

3.30 pm, finally in Eindhoven. Because I was still in panic and confused I asked for advice for third time, again the friendly staff member helped me. He suggested me to take the train beside him (the same train I just came from) and change I-dont-remember-where. Then...

Staff member: "Oh wait, don't! Wait 10 minutes and take a train to Schiphol, it will be easier. It departs from this same track"

Me: "OMG. Thank you!.

Soon I learn "easier" meant A LOT EASIER. HE SAVED MY DAY, LIFE. I went to check the train's route and figured out it would go to Amsterdam Zuid and Schiphol - the airport in Amsterdam. OMFFGGFGFG. I... would... actually go to right direction!!! :omg: almost cried from happiness. omg. I had no idea how long it would take to get to Schiphol but for first time for a while I had hope I could be in time in Amsterdam. Finally the conductor lady came to check tickets again and I got to ask when would we arrive in Schiphol or Zuid and which way would be the quickier way to get into the city: take a taxi from either station or wait for another train. She said to change train in Schiphol... and... omg, we would be there in 5.15. And in Amsterdam Central Station? 5.33. OH.MY.F.GOD. If only the M&G would start late as it usually does I could make it after all. omg. I immediately sms'd my friend who sms'd me back that Neil had came out and said they would start M&G 45 minutes later, so please take a taxi and hurry. OMFG. I don't think I've loved the railway staff that much ever! If I were in Finland there would an insane chaos and no one would know anything. I rushed to toilet to change clothes and trying to get myself ready, I still had 15 minutes left until we would arrive in Schiphol. OMG. After 5 hours living in panic and horrified my hands were shaking so badly I couldn't even put contact lenses on. Fck. I tried to throw every glitter eyeliners and eye shadows all over my eyes and somehow managed to keep my hand steady for a few seconds.

I grabbed my luggage and purse and rushed out of the train in Schiphol and looked for my next train... luckily I was conscious enough to remember the staff lady said it would leave from track 2. As I was NOT calm I ran accidentally to wrong track at first, f*ck, ran some more and finally made it to the right train in a last second! omfg.

5.34 pm in Central Station... panic is not over yet. I wanted to leave my heavy luggage in the locker at the station and ran all the way through the station hallway to find the luggage locker room. Finally found it but omg it was so confusing. They only accepted credit cards and it was weird overall and I myself was in panic and had no time to ask for help. Grabbed my luggage from locker and rushed to the opposite side of the station again where the taxis were. I couldn't even think anything, I ran so fast I could... and I find out there's 20-30 people in line waiting for taxi! NO, NO, NO! I can't be this close and miss everything after all that had happened in the last 5 hours or so. Noooooooooo. :'( Anyway, approx. 5.45. or 5.50 I was sitting in a taxi finally and only could hope for best. I might or might not make it. Finally I was at the venue and started looking for the left side door where M&G line should be unless they've been let in already. I tried to call my friend and ask her, then..

...OMG. I SAW SGLAM. And my friend. Still standing outside and waving hello. :rofl: omgomgomgomgomfg. I just wanted to hug them both and never let go and cry and hug again and die happy. omg. I couldn't believe it, it was amazing and I was still shaking. One minute later Neil came out and gave us information...omg. I couldn't stop smiling and shaking. We were kinda forced to make a decision: either to go to M&G and take a risk of not getting into front rows or we could go straight to hall and get guaranteed first row. I decided to take a risk, I needed to see him after such an awful day.

OMFG. Finally Adam came in... looking as gorgeousamazingomfg as he always does. The first fans got their autographs and pics and tried to escape to upstairs, then Neil said they couldn't and they'd have to wait until everyone's done. People kinda freaked out :haha: after the first ones escaped and didn't listen to Neil I guess he gave up... thankfully. Everything was so confusing but Neil was so adorable. And Sutan came out downstairs looking fabulous.

I already had had a slight blackout in M&G in Cologne so kinda wanted to say everything I forgot the day before. It turned out... opposite. I was still shaking and confused about everything my head was spinning and couldn't think clearly. But omfg Adam, why so adorable, always. :omg: :wub: either he remembered me from the day before or I was looking skerd as sh!t still :haha: I didn't even have to ask for a hug, he just spreaded his arms to give me a hug. lol. I guess that's when my head went blank although I tried to say something to him. I doubt he understood a word of it :haha: Geez, I can only shake my head at myself. I couldn't think at all... while trying to collect myself he was still his usual omgsweetheart self asking if I would like to get a pic. THEN I came back to real world. "Ohhhhhhhh of course, of course" :rofl: I don't get myself and I don't think I even looked at the camera lol. But.I.love.him.so.fcking.much. Omg I cannot even.

I somehow made it to the hall, with my suitcase. :haha: The cloakroom wasn't open yet so I threw it to the side with my coat and prayed they'd stay there until the show was over. I parked myself at 2nd row behind of SGlam and my friend and was so freaking happy about everything although M&G was a total fail from my part. And still shaking my head at the whole day and thinking what if I took the train to Den Haag as the second staff member said... I wouldn't even be in Amsterdam yet! Omg. I realized I had had a lot of luck.

The doors opened and the crowd invaded the hall. We were all standing pretty close and I was afraid of pushing, pushing and pushing just like the day before in Cologne. But no, the crowd in Amsterdam was amazing... no pushing at all. Everyone was standing on their feet calm until they started dance. Gotta love it.

Finally... lights off! The dancers! The band! ADAM! Church windows! Omg everything was so amazing and beautiful. There were a few professional photographers in front of the front row and I reaaaally hope they catched some moments during The Opening Medley. Like this one where Adam walked to right side of the stage and strecthed his hand toward to balcony and the balcony peeps strecthed their hands down towards Adam. omg. It looked so touching. :'( of course they never reached their hands, there was too much space in between of them but it screamed ~connection. And like, how many artist can make teh church windows look like they are a part of the stage set-up? Adam can... especially in Ring of fire.

Then Fever... the kiss... and totally out of blue, Adam wanking quickly himself. omg.


He was so happy. omg.

It melt my heart so much... watching him watch the balconies cheering for him. He looked like he's never been happier. He looked like he was so proud and honored and happy. I was so happy for his happiness I wanted to cry.

Everything was so amazing. Again. I sweated so much, the worst I've sweated during any of my five GNT shows. It was insane :haha: the dance part almost took all of my energy and thankfully I still had a half bottle of water in my purse so I survived IIHY. There were so many little things I loved, especially in the last part of the show. The fans throwing glitter and Adam getting sooooo excited of it! He asked them to throw more when he introduced the band. And later a black feather boa was dropped from the balcony, amazing. And omg the dancers were all so amazing again, I just love Terrance so much, he's omggogmg. I miss him so much. And omg he was so cute, I was dancing on the floor and waved him and Taylor and he waved me (I guess) back :spaz:

If only I knew what I would witness some minutes later...

I don't even try to describe what it was like because there's no words to describe the epiness in any known language. Omg, when Sasha brought a joint... omg. Kick! This is... ferrealz! Adam fcking Lambert. I'm seeing my last show and he's in front of me smoking a joint.

OMG. I couldn't believe my eyes...I know we joked about it but honestly, I didn't think he'd have guts to take it that far knowing there would be people freaking out over it. I adore him so much, he really is worth of everything we can give and more. And then.. omg, WLL AGAIN. I was so thrilled!!! The encore was out of mind... sucking and swallowing a mic, grabbing, being overall horny and turning everyone else on... you name it. Like, how many WLLs we all have seen in YouTube? And how it shouldn't be any surprise anymore? And yet I find myself staring at stage my jaw dropped... couldn't move, couldn't even blink an eye. After the make-out session I kinda cracked up tho, Adam looked so ridiculous Tommy's blue lipstick smudged all over his lip area :rofl: best.

I'm so fcuking proud of Adam... the way he did WLL in Paradiso was un-fcuking-believable. I've never been that proud of anyone. I LOVE HIM SO MUCH.

After the show was over everyone was so stunned, amazed and just confused... Whattheheck did we just see. :| :omg: we had no words... I didn't even know what to say. He's the perfection... the vocals, the show, the man himself, he's not even a human.

Somehow we made it to our hotel a few hours later and fell asleep. I thought everything was over, I had had the most awful 6 hours while getting to Amsterdam but got such an amazing prize for that. But noooo, it's not over. When I went to railway station the next day and tried to buy a ticket back to Germany... my face goes white and horrified again.

I CAN'T FIND MY CREDIT CARD. OMG. This can't be fcking possible!!!! No, no, no. :'( what the heck do I do now? PANIC. PANIC. I rushed to ticket service and in skerdy face asked where should I go to and whatthehecktodo. The lady friendly adviced me to go to lost & found... of cooooourse. I couldn't even think of it. I really didn't believe they would have my card.. I mean, it's not possible. People don't lose their credit cards and get them back. I explained my situation to a staff man in luggage locker room and he left me alone for a bit while he checked their lost & found room. He came back and asked my name... omg. Could he actually have my card? Please, please, please. He came back again...

... waving my credit card. OMFGGFHFHFGFHJKFDFGANAKLBAF. I wanted to cry and jump through a glass window and squeeze him. :'( (I didn't, just in case you were wondering). I just can't believe everything. Insane amount of luck for one day? Doesn't happen to me. I can't even describe how relieved I was when I finally sat in my train, a ticket on my hand... and accidentally sitting in 1st class for the first hour instead of 2nd class. :haha:

I don't think I've ever been so horrified, scared and in panic as I was on Saturday... I can't even describe it. But the prize... I didn't suffer for nothing.

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2010-11-20 Holland: Amsterdam, Paradiso


Post by Tiki »

joooory' date='Nov 22nd 2010, 6:59 PM
62Blueberry HD...




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2010-11-20 Holland: Amsterdam, Paradiso


Post by Tiki »

joooory' date='Nov 22nd 2010, 9:40 PM

Voodoo, FYE & DTRH

joooory' date='Nov 22nd 2010, 9:58 PM

joabenn77 HD


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2010-11-20 Holland: Amsterdam, Paradiso


Post by Tiki »

barb4Adam' date='Nov 23rd 2010, 4:26 PM

Glambert Toked Up In Concert!

When in Amsterdam!

Adam Lambert is still on his Glam Nation Tour and over the weekend, he played at the Paradiso in the Netherlands.

And shiz went down!

Check out Glambert's performance of Purple Haze where he enjoys a mini-makeout session (with his guitarist and his mic) while taking a puff and, um, not passing it around! (above)

LOL! Amazing!

PerezHilton.com http://perezhilton.com/2010-11-23-adam-lam...s#ixzz168gHeZ8G
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2010-11-20 Holland: Amsterdam, Paradiso


Post by Tiki »

Little Bee' date='Nov 23rd 2010, 9:07 PM

Anita 3030 Playlist

Anita 303
joooory' date='Nov 23rd 2010, 10:28 PM









Dancers Intro
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2010-11-20 Holland: Amsterdam, Paradiso


Post by Tiki »

joooory' date='Dec 12th 2010, 10:37 PM

Suz526 HD
danilo85' date='Dec 23rd 2010, 9:19 AM



Lambosessed' date='Jan 1st 2011, 12:06 PM

Here's my edit of the Purple Haze / WLL encore

Downloadable here: http://bit.ly/AmsPHWLL
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