2010-07-31 Las Vegas, NV, The Beach at Mandalay Bay Resort

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2010-07-31 Las Vegas, NV, The Beach at Mandalay Bay Resort


Post by Tiki »

kim57' date='Aug 1st 2010, 9:13 PM

I rarely post here, mainly a lurker :/ but just wanted to share that I saw Adam leaving Mandalay Bay at 3:30 am. He was with Neil, who had been wandering around the elevator area for about an hour, talking on his phone here and there. There was absolutely no one else around, not meaning fans, just no one!! Adam was wearing a beanie, his sunglasses, a tank top, jeans and his backpack. I really didn't want to bother him, so didn't approach him, but as he passed me, I just said, Bye Adam, thanks for such a great show..He replied "thank you' and kept on walking. I watched him walk a good long way through the lobby and past the check in desk until he and Neil turned to go down to the lower level out to the buses.
This was the perfect ending to my 3rd (and final :( ) show of this tour and I truly didn't want it to end.
Today is a crash day for me and Adam's recent twitter party made me feel better!!
PS also had pics taken with Tommy and Monte, saw Sasha and LP too :)
vistadiva' date='Aug 1st 2010, 9:26 PM

Thanks Joooory...more vids!!

Is it absolutely sick that I will have 70-odd versions of WLL downloaded to my I-POD by the time this tour is over??? :haha: :haha: :haha:
My grown son...who thinks I have just lost it and am certifiable.... was working on my laptop the other day and opened my I-Tunes....

Son: Mom, what's wrong with your music library?

Me: What do you mean?

Son: Well, you have something called WLL on here multiple times

Me: Oh..yeah, I know.... :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Son: Well, do you want me to fix it? I can delete the duplicates

Me: :fear: :fear: Well, they are not EXACTLY duplicates. Actually they are not duplicates at all..each one is different :yes: :yes:

Son: Oh, yeah...I see some have cities after the name or weird things like "Nokia"..what is that?

Me: :o :o nothing...nothing...are you finished yet..let's go out to dinner
On another note...just my 2 cents about the Vegas show...the only thing I noticed watching vids was that he didn't go for the high screaming notes...example:

In Fever, around 2:18 he does the "you burn me up burn me up...baby you're M...I...N...E." That mine is always a high long note. Not last night. Also some of the high screaming notes in Strut were not there.

I think he may have been a little hoarse and was just protecting his voice. Great performance non the less.
joooory' date='Aug 2nd 2010, 2:14 AM

MW & WLL Partial

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2010-07-31 Las Vegas, NV, The Beach at Mandalay Bay Resort


Post by Tiki »

joooory' date='Aug 2nd 2010, 2:37 AM

Voodoo & DTRH

Tommy Intro

Fever Partial
joooory' date='Aug 2nd 2010, 6:42 AM

Adam_Fan_Forever' date='Aug 2nd 2010, 3:13 PM

I read back a couple pages but haven't read the whole thread yet. I thought Vegas was a fantastic show!! :w00t: I loved every single song. I danced and sang and had a great time! Aftermath was the highlight of the show - so beautiful. Soaked was incredible. Sleepwalker gorgeous. WWFM lovely. OMG the joy radiating from Adam during IIHY was palpable.

The crowd had lots of guys, young people, gay couples. Quite a diverse group. People were loving the show around me.
My sister watched AI and Allison was her favorite with Adam second. She raved about Adam on the drive back home to Phoenix and wanted to know who wrote each song and the names. We relived the concert by playing each song like the setlist. She said IIHY was stuck in her head all morning and Soaked gave her chills. I gave her the cd for Christmas and she said she plays it every once in awhile. Way bigger fan now. My husband said he was totally entertained and satisfied and it was worth the 5 hour drive. :icecream:

That hour delay was pretty weird - I'm glad there was an explanation for it. The crowd got a little nasty and starting booing. :no: Adam more than made up for it with the super sexy WLL. :bleh: I met a glittery Callmecrazy in line based on the description of her shirt on here. :haha: Hi Alyssa!!! :wave: I also saw Tommy before the show - poor guy was trying to hurry and fans were mobbing him!! I checked on the line about 2:30 and there were about 30 people at that time but it was sooooo hot. We didn't end up coming back until 7:00 and that was the hottest, sweatiest line up and I was worried about heatstroke. I was melting and very uncomfortable.

I thought Allison was great but difinately not a better performer than Adam by a long shot. Orianthi was o.k. but I would have preferred more Allison. I realized my camera was broken before the show so didn't get pics or video. GRRRR!!

I can't wait to relive the show through the wonderful videographers. Thank you all!!
Silvia' date='Aug 2nd 2010, 3:50 PM

Intro and Medley HD
Silvia' date='Aug 2nd 2010, 5:13 PM

Fever HD

IIHY Very good

Adam talking to the crowd


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2010-07-31 Las Vegas, NV, The Beach at Mandalay Bay Resort


Post by Tiki »

joooory' date='Aug 2nd 2010, 11:47 PM

madamimadam' date='Aug 2nd 2010, 11:53 PM

One more thing about the show...

SW which is a favorite of mine was just made even eerier by the wind making his coat billow around him... The wind seemed to be in sink with him and as he got angrier and angrier the wind whipped his coat around him with more frenzy... He couldn't have staged it better if he were in charge of the wind... Maybe he is?
Tinydolly' date='Aug 3rd 2010, 12:52 AM

Seeing Adam here in my hometown was FUN! I was worried about the venue for months but after getting in there it was really cool. When it got dark the setting was beautiful. For Vegas the night wasn't as hot as normal but it was a bit more humid. Adam did take longer coming on stage but I bet he was meeting people and doing interviews and stuff. It was a bit unsettling to hear the boo's but they were just directed at FYE not starting and another song instead. As soon as he emerged that was forgotten. The opening Medley was great and it was just so amazing for me to see Adam in my hometown. He was larger than life up there in this setting. He did take his jacket off before DTRH since I'm sure he was roasting. Adam got a bit off track during Fever because he forgot to take his top hat off. I guess since he had his jacket off already he spaced it. The top hat distracted him during the Tommy/Adam part in Fever so I'm sure that was why he got mixed up. Sleepwalker was amazing!! To me he sounded great on everything accept the acoustic songs (except WLL) and his speaking voice. He did go over to the sound guy I think at least two times. I'm not sure if things were okay for him since one time he sang off from the back tracking. When I tweeted about the sound issues it was only because in the section I was in he had the helium affect so bad. His voice was nothing like he normally sounded. The diehards around me were concerned as I was. It was not Adam's fault it was something beyond his control. The strange thing is that I talked to someone else there and they said he sounded completely normal. When I watched the video for WWFM taken from the opposite side of the pool he sounded great as usual. That makes me happy but what a weird thing to experience. People on the Idol tour would say that about the helium affect in Starlight and I could never understand what they meant since the vids were always good. Regardless of what our little section heard at times, He was a star up there and the crowd loved him. They had a record crowd from what I heard so I'm super proud of him. I really don't think he was sick because in Tempe he sounded soooo good and went for it on every song, he was on fire. I think the fact that Tempe was show #3 combined with all the notes he hit during his set was why he only did MW, not because the crowd wasn't into it, they were insane.

The past 2 days seeing Adam have been incredible and I'm finding it very hard to get back to my real life. This was a week I will never forget.

As for major details, I need to go back and watch it all again! It's like I saw everything but I just can't process it all until I see the vids lol.
joooory' date='Aug 3rd 2010, 1:24 AM


joooory' date='Aug 3rd 2010, 2:32 AM

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2010-07-31 Las Vegas, NV, The Beach at Mandalay Bay Resort


Post by Tiki »

Silvia' date='Aug 3rd 2010, 2:38 PM

joooory' date='Aug 3rd 2010, 6:10 PM



MonicaJM2001' date='Aug 3rd 2010, 6:58 PM

I was at the Vegas show standing in the water getting an amazing view of Adam the band and his dancers. He was incredible and I did not leave disappointed whatsoever. The crowd did boo at the long wait but now we know it wasn't Adam's doing at all and once he it the stage the crowd was his. I am sorry some other people didm't enjoy it as much. I don't know, sometimes I think people are looking too much into every single move Adam makes or word he sings and if it is even slightly different than what they know from the past, they seem to hit like some kind of panic button and think Adam is crashing and burning right in front of them.
I don't mean to keep this going but since I am so late in my being able to respond, from where I stood at least, he had a very successful night in Vegas!
Ohpooh24' date='Aug 3rd 2010, 7:45 PM

I'm really just a lurker here and I just got back home and was really surprised to read the negative things about the concert.

My mother and I were at the concert but we were on the sand at the back because my mom injured her foot a week before the concert and couldn't move around too much.

Adam was amazing and everyone was screaming and jumping and just having a great time. The only negative thing was that it took so long for him to come on and some people started booing wanting him to start. Once he got on the stage those same people were rocking out. The only people I saw leave early were parents with children and older people who were probably tired, everyone else was having a great time.

When he finished and we were leaving I could hear people around me saying how amazing his performances were and how good he looked. Everyone I talked to after the show loved the concert.

Also the people I talked to had never seen him perform live before and didn't know what to expect from this concert. They were blown away by how good he is live.
BlueIndigoSky' date='Aug 3rd 2010, 10:23 PM

[bbvideo=560,315]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gRecySpU ... r_embedded[/bbvideo]

It is the only video she took. Said if she realized what the quality would be like she would have filmed more.
BlueIndigoSky' date='Aug 4th 2010, 12:51 AM

Hope this is ok to post here, from jnmk PF (and IDF). Regarding recent sound issues:

Did you guys see these tweets? Don't mess with the HBIC and his sound or you're FIRED! After the issues in Vegas and Tempe this doesn't surprise me.

Here we go. Sleepwalker - Tempe http://youtu.be/VZGgndQ7LdM

@Monterrific I was there! Pls get soundman 2 fix ur volume! From 1/2 way back it was "silent solo" = no sound!! Bass overpowered U & Adam
about 5 hours ago via web in reply to Monterrific

@JenCos he's long gone
about 4 hours ago via UberTwitter in reply to JenCos

joooory' date='Aug 4th 2010, 3:49 AM

Merrycello1 HD

ROF & Fever

CastroFan4Life' date='Aug 5th 2010, 11:50 AM

I was at this show. Some observations:
-HUGE crowd. When we were standing in line waiting to go in I asked one of the security guys if it's like this for all the shows. He said "Oh no! I've worked here 6 years and I've never seen anything like this!!!!". He said they were caught off-guard and weren't even sure how to handle the huge amount of people who showed up early to get in line to get in.
-DIVERSE crowd. I saw people of all ages (kids to senior citizens), races (alot of Asians and African-Americans as well as Caucasions), men (both straight & gay) and economic backgrounds (you could tell some in the audience were very wealthy). There were alot of women but many of them brought their boyfriends/husbands and the guys seemed to be enjoying the show, too.
-I did notice the "helium" effect when Adam talked and during the acoustic songs. I thought it was just that his voice is higher in person but after reading some other posts here it seems like it was an audio mixer problem.
-Adam seemed kinda tired and sounded hoarse but I was right up front and could literally see him feeding off the energy and response from the crowd...I could see how much it perked him up as the show went along.
-At the end when he was taking the group bow and then again after he did his encore, I could see him looking over the crowd, just basking in the response and really "taking it in". You could very clearly see on his face how pleased he was and how much this all means to him...he almost gets misty eyed.
-Walking out, the comments were all positive. I heard alot of people who didn't seem to be big fans before (they had come with people who were) saying how impressed they were and that he is a really great singer and performer.
-Adam excels at drawing the crowd in. I saw David Cook in concert last summer. Don't get me wrong, I like David & his music but the energy was way different. At David's show, the crowd mostly sat and even when he encouraged people to sing along or stand, they didn't. Everyone was on their feet at Adam's show, dancing and singing. He had everyone singing the chorus to "If I Had You" and jumping up and down (literally) when he kept shouting "Jump", clapping along when he did his jumping jack move and pumping their fists when he did that. I even saw guys who had been dragged there my their girlfriends/wives actually joining in!
-I did wish he talked abit more between songs but with so many shows back-to-back I wonder if he's doing that to save his voice. Others liked that he didn't talk alot....one couple leaving behind me were saying that he kept the focus on the music by not doing a lot of chit chatting so I suppose it's a matter of preference.
-He is gorgeous in person. I went to the Idols Live show last summer but couldn't get close enough to the stage to really see him. This time it was a smaller venue and I was right up front.....he is lanky & skinny in person and even from a distance away you can see his magnificant eyes and his smile literally lights up the venue. He truly has a "larger than life" persona and just is a "Star".
-I loved all the songs....even some of the ones that aren't my favorites on the album sounded fantastic when he performed them live.
-He's a good dancer, too.
We can all rest easy....we will definately be getting a 2nd album, more touring, more tv appearances, etc. in the future. Adam isn't going anywhere but up!
-Let me add, if you get a chance at all to go to any of these shows he's doing now....GO! Because they are in medium-size venues you are able to see him closer up. I suspect his next tour will be booked in much larger venues and most in the audience will have to settle for watching him on the big concert screens so GO NOW while you have a chance to see him in a slightly more intimate setting!
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2010-07-31 Las Vegas, NV, The Beach at Mandalay Bay Resort


Post by Tiki »

Silvia' date='Aug 5th 2010, 4:42 PM

Band Intro HD

Dancers Intro HD
b.jewel.d' date='Aug 5th 2010, 6:15 PM

Best (and only) Adam concert I've been to. :D
Passed out people on the sand, bored boyfriends, people talking loudly with other people during Adam singing, audience booing, and yet I had the best time ever and Adam sounded OUT OF THIS WORLD.
joooory' date='Aug 5th 2010, 10:49 PM

1877riley HD
Voodoo & DTRH


Strut - wrong title

joooory' date='Aug 9th 2010, 5:19 PM

Voodoo Partial & WWFM
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2010-07-31 Las Vegas, NV, The Beach at Mandalay Bay Resort


Post by Tiki »

joooory' date='Aug 9th 2010, 8:51 PM












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2010-07-31 Las Vegas, NV, The Beach at Mandalay Bay Resort


Post by Tiki »

joooory' date='Aug 11th 2010, 11:48 PM

Silvia' date='Aug 13th 2010, 7:18 PM

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2010-07-31 Las Vegas, NV, The Beach at Mandalay Bay Resort


Post by Tiki »

Silvia' date='Aug 20th 2010, 12:47 PM

MW and WLl HD

Silvia' date='Aug 21st 2010, 10:25 AM





joooory' date='Aug 21st 2010, 5:48 PM

joooory' date='Aug 23rd 2010, 7:54 PM


WLL Partial
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2010-07-31 Las Vegas, NV, The Beach at Mandalay Bay Resort


Post by Tiki »

joooory' date='Aug 29th 2010, 7:04 PM

joooory' date='Aug 30th 2010, 12:21 PM

Silvia' date='Aug 31st 2010, 12:28 AM

Soaked HD
joooory' date='Aug 31st 2010, 5:15 PM

joooory' date='Sep 1st 2010, 5:49 PM

Silvia' date='Sep 9th 2010, 12:25 AM

Soaked HD
danilo85' date='Apr 12th 2011, 9:37 AM


"Voodoo" "Down The Rabbit Hole"
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