2010-11-06 Finland: Helsinki, Cable Factory

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2010-11-06 Finland: Helsinki, Cable Factory


Post by Tiki »

SGlam' date='Nov 8th 2010, 5:02 AM

M&G, Front row, centre. I will try to write a longer recap later but I just wanted to say it was one of the best experiences ever. Adam was so great and sweet and beautiful. :wub: :icecream:

Hand and Nuuskamuikkunen: It was soooo nice to meet you both! :hug: I´m so excited you were in Jenny Woo!!! I really was going out with you guys but I felt so terrible after the concert I decited against it (no eating or drinking all day long, my whole body hurting and shaking from being pushed against the barricade for 4,5 hours, my feets hurting from standing, feeling like fainting...).
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ghosst' date='Nov 8th 2010, 7:50 AM


someone has written this in Facebook (Adam Lambert @ Kaapelitehdas, HELSINKI)

"Keikka oli ok. Seistiin kolmen sentin korokkeella miksauspöydän edessä ja luettiin ennen keikkaa settilistaa miksaajan nenän edestä. Sen perusteella odotimme kahden tunnin keikkaa, mutta suurimmasta osasta biisejä oli tehty lyhennetyt keikkaversiot, mikä sinänsä on ymmärrettävää, että olisi vähän eroa albumiin.
Encore-...osuuteen oli merkattu kolme biisiä joten kyllä mielestäni poikkaisi liian aikaisin...siellä oli mm. Whole Lotta Love (Led Zeppelin)."

And a translation:
"The gig was okay, we stood on the platform next to mixing table and saw & read the setlist before the gig. On ground of that we waited like two-hours-gig, but they had made the songs shorter, which is understandable. Encore was supposed to be three songs so they shortened that too much in my opinion. There was t.ex Whole Lotta Love (Led Zeppelin)
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2010-11-06 Finland: Helsinki, Cable Factory


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danilo85' date='Nov 8th 2010, 2:37 PM

If I Had You


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nuuskamuikkunen' date='Nov 8th 2010, 3:26 PM

I was too shy to approach Adam :"> and I also thought it is their free time. I am glad though for those who talked with Adam or other band members. ETA: I mean really, how surreal it is. You go to concert you have been waiting ages, then walk around trying to find place to after party with sore feets - and then you hit place where Adam is! Plus maybe even talk him. That is so surreal! Most of the time I was sitting there with fellow fans I was like dazzled with thought Adam is 3 meters away, I am breathing same air and other crazy thoughts :haha: @hand you were closer, how did you survive that? ;)

To honor being totally absolutely glamwhammed whole day I tried drink first time in years. One sip and headache which was stupid but hey... Adam day! Sunday I was collecting stuff to Finnberts site and reliving experience. Today I am feeling bit post Adam blues >.< Cure: IIHY blasting really loud :lol:

About ve. ue. I feel so bad for two ladies who flew from US to see Adam. And I am thinking those really little kids who waited since Friday outside and fainted before concert even started. Only concert those two ladies managed to get VIPs was Helsinki and they flew over just for that. They had to leave before warm up even started, pressure was so intense. They were glad to have met Adam though and had tickets to Stockhom with seat places so I hope they are all fine. One thought I noticed that there very many people from Estonia, Sweden, Russia, even Japan. So Adam could have easily filled bigger, better venue!! I am bit annoyed for security guy who ignored our asks for bit mob control help.
That might be. I noticed one point his eyes tracked to girl being carried away. Plus heat was intense!
Finnish fan, help with vote, let's keep Adam at top 10! http://www.nrj.fi/top10
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2010-11-06 Finland: Helsinki, Cable Factory


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Hand' date='Nov 8th 2010, 5:40 PM

Hmm. You could be right, actually. I didn't even thought of that kind of theory. They must have seen the fans being carried to side because they carried fainters through an area in between of the audience and the stage.
lol the whole thing was so weird and happened so fast. I heard two staff members talking with each other while they set up the table and they mentioned the words "Adam's gang" but I didn't pay too much attention... 30 seconds later I see Sutan walking in. :omg: It was sooo weird and uncomfortable somehow (I didn't want to stare them nonstop like the animals in cages in the zoo) and at same time I had a thousands hearts in my eyes. :haha: thankfully Niina was sitting next to me, I used her shoulder to hide my head and priceless face a lot. Just in case you didn't notice. :haha: And like, we sat down 15 minutes before they came? I have to say Adamist did a very good job in choosing the table... she was sitting there when I went downstairs to look for her.

And I'm still squealing over Adam giving Cristal kiss on the cheek when they left. <3
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joooory' date='Nov 8th 2010, 6:51 PM

Some of the best moments of the show
b.jewel.d' date='Nov 8th 2010, 11:02 PM

I know it ain't as epic as the real thing could've been (sigh..no BO or DTRH MVs, my fav songs :'( ) but you can console yourself int he meantime with my video! :haha:

Broken Open: A Journey Through Time and Space
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ghosst' date='Nov 9th 2010, 8:03 PM


love this nice backround choir in this WWFM by martaesguay

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2010-11-06 Finland: Helsinki, Cable Factory


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TupsuNunnu123' date='Nov 15th 2010, 3:37 PM

My Helsinki concert review...sooooo late...sorry :">
Ok so I woke up like 6 to get ready and set off at 7...met a friend whom I went with to the capital Tallinn oh and btw our cab driver I THINK was a liiiittle bit gay lol, he kept fixing his hair e.v.e.r.y. s.i.n.g.l.e time we stopped even for a second haha and he's car was perfectly clean and so on haha.....So when we got to the dock to get on a ship we (all Estonian fans) gathered, there was about 10 I think and we all went on chatted...planned stuff and when we got to Finland we went straight to the hotel which was 5 min away from Kaapelitehdas ! :D awesome u think? NOPE We got to choose if we wanted to go stay at hotel President or Holiday West Inn..and guess where Adam stayed :rolleyes: ...we got soo pissed later haha, not really but we regretted ......aaanyways we got ready. I put on my outfit specially made for GNT and did my hair which was totally a waste of time....didn't do much makeup but I had braids on one side of my head and I glitteryfied it hahA :D looked awesome tho...I put glitter everywhere and so did everyone else...ammmazing *o*
Then we went to Kaapelitehdas and stood waay back from the entrance,at the second corner of the building and I went to walk to the beginning of the line hoping someone from here would notice and say hi or sth, noone did :( so I walked like 4 times back and forth...ah well, didn't get cold atleast cuz it was FREEZING :|
We waited like 3 outside and I say kudos to all of yous standing there sooo much longer than we :thumbs: we went back to the hotel cuz I forgot my Tommy picture O.o idiot so after we bought hamburgers and hot chocolate to keep us warm, which tasted like HEAVEN :yes: best hot chocolate ever haha
when we got back one of our fiends told us that we got infront in the line cuz her twitter friend was in the beginning of the line and said that we're worthy of gettin' infront cuz we came such a long way, who'd say no to that?! so we got to the first corner from the entrance WOOO...later we heard somone saw Tommy wave to them :w00t:
We got in, slowly O.o I DON'T know what I was thinking goin' in SLOWLY ?!?! I saw the shop GOT MY MONEY OUT fast not telling where I was keepin it cuz I had no pockets :whistling: I wanted Dogtags sOOOOO BAD so I bought them...best thing I've bought EVER ;) LOVE THEM <3 the one who sold them was Scottish :w00t: the accent.... :wub:
We went to the crowd running this time haha We were like in the 15th to 20th row...I wanted to find others whom we came with so I went in and in and more in to the crowd WTF was I thinkin?! Found them tho...THANK GOD ^_^ thanks to my camera, lol took pics of the crowd to know where I was heading haha
Then the heating band came in and ....sorry...didn't like'em :"> ....I didn't see much and later I heard the guitarist fell or sth O.o haha
THENThe most amazing thing happened...one of Adam's pic came up :w00t: ..the crowd screaming LOUD....and the crowd screamed at the top of their longs EVERY SINGLE TIME the pic changed...-.- I was like WHAT ADAM!?!?WHERE?!?!.... -.-...no Adam...BUUUT when he finally came the screaming was deafening..LITERALLY
I was finally about in the 3rd row and I did not see anything, the first 3-4 songs I struggled to see anything cuz u know I'm not the tallest person When I finally did I was like WOW :fear: He's soooooooo effing gorgeous, like no sh!t...he's just amazingly beautiful and his hair OMG HIS HAIR!!!Soooo pretty and smooth by looks and OMG it was purely AMAZING....it was totally syrreal to see THEM whom came from the United States of America to perform to us I know I probably sound like a wacko but still...it was SYRREAL, I wanted to pinch myself to know if it was actually REAL
When it came to sleepwalker, I saw him m<ore clearly but sinse I had to be on my toes the whole time my feet went numb starting from my lower back which was aching soo hard but I didn't even notice it when we got in....aanyways I stepped down from my toes and leaned on my friend infront of me and one lovely Finn thought I was fainting so she hold her hand on my shoulder...it was soo sweet of her, She kept checking me if I was okay, didn't understand what she said...later I saw her and gave her a hug :hug:
I didn't see anyone's intro except TOMMMEH...saw the kiss too :spaz: it wasn't much but it was ammazinggg to see...later I heard there was a Fever kiss aswell...
I can't describe the feeling when when EVERYONE sang with Adam But if I had you, the money, fame........it was a beautiful moment and the jumping all UP N DOWN I'd do it again aaanytime ^_^ it was the best moment...the best
When it was over I was a little disappointed that we only got Mad World..but I understand he didn't feel good n all...I was grateful that I even got to see them live
When we started gettin' out I bought myself sth to drink and I have to say, I have NEVER appreciated a drink more than I did then...someone wanted a small zip ...gave it to her she freaking drank half of my bottle ...wanted to kill her haha..jk :P
When we started gettin' out my and my friend went straight out....someone else had my number that gets the clothes...it took us like 10 mins to get out and we waited in the freezing weather for ~30min cuz the security didn't let back in O.o kjhdsbfgjkhs
I was kinda disappointed than none of the A team ppl came out...
OHOHOH and most importantly I was keeping count on the boys...yup ;) I counted in total *drumrolls*....44 male ppl haha
one of'em was my age and was like a look-a-like to Adam...he was right behing me the whole concert OMG WAS HE CUUUUTE :wub:

and I'm sorry for it to be this long...I was soooo exited and I left alot out too...like when I had to strip lmao

Tried my best with the review...hope u enjoyed :)

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2010-11-06 Finland: Helsinki, Cable Factory


Post by Tiki »

ghosst' date='Dec 19th 2010, 3:26 PM

Kristian Künk
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