2010-09-08 Houston, TX Hobby Center

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2010-09-08 Houston, TX Hobby Center


Post by Tiki »

joooory' date='Sep 9th 2010, 9:58 PM










barb4Adam' date='Sep 9th 2010, 10:39 PM

Breaking News Alert: Judge: Military's ban on gays is unconstitutional :thumbs: :clap:

September 9, 2010 9:44:16 PM
A federal judge in Southern California has declared the U.S. military's ban on openly gay service members unconstitutional. U.S. District Judge Virginia Phillips on Thursday granted a request for an injunction halting the government's "don't ask, don't tell" policy for gays in the military.

Dibaby' date='Sep 10th 2010, 12:01 AM

Okay, kids, here are a few of my pics from Houston. Very difficult to get shots as there were sooooo many waving arms! Link to my photobucket http://s600.photobucket.com/albums/tt90/Di...tion=postupload







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2010-09-08 Houston, TX Hobby Center


Post by Tiki »

barb4Adam' date='Sep 10th 2010, 12:53 AM

peasmom3 @Moemoezhot4AL
Just remember that there's some "higher plane" thinking going on around here. Ya know, "flail" & "thud" r intellectual words!
12 minutes ago via TweetDeck

Silvia' date='Sep 10th 2010, 1:32 AM

Aftermath HD


Strut HD

2ed part of IIHY HD

Voodoo/DTRH HD


Sleepwalker HD
Silvia' date='Sep 10th 2010, 1:46 AM










SFW partial
Silvia' date='Sep 10th 2010, 2:04 AM

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2010-09-08 Houston, TX Hobby Center


Post by Tiki »

Adam_Fan_Forever' date='Sep 10th 2010, 8:55 AM

Good rebuttal for that awful article:


Homophobic Adam Lambert Review in Houston Press
Adam Lambert performed at the Hobby Center in Houston on Wednesday night. Not that you would know it from Brandon K. Hernsberger's insane review of the show in the Houston Press.

It starts with the line, "It doesn't matter if Adam Lambert is gay," and then launches into a diatribe that reduces Lambert to nothing more than gay. Along the way, Hernsberger gets basic facts about Lambert wrong. He opines that Lambert is talentless, and does nothing to back that claim up. And in the end, this reader was left with his jaw dropped, wondering when a more homophobic piece of writing last made it into a weekly newspaper.

Oh yes, it's also SO POORLY WRITTEN one is left wondering how a person like this managed to get a job at Houston's top alternative paper.

"Adam Lambert, Nyquil made of skin shaped like a black light with a glued-on wig made of spiky black sanctimony," Harnsberger writes, early on in this mess. Mixed metaphors and poor imagery aside, what on earth does this mean? Adam has skin like a black light? And the writer's concerned that our SOCIETY may be othering him?

But on to the more obvious homophobia. Hernsberger believes that the only reason Lambert is a star is because he is gay. He wouldn't have made it through the door on American Idol otherwise, Hernsberger says, ignoring the fact that Lambert didn't come out until after the show. He goes on to claim that people voted for Lambert out of a sense of guilt, but only enough to take second place because first place would be too much to give a gay person.

Wow, we're powerful people, we Americans, aren't we?

The author goes on to explain that the audience "slinks and turns away as if these acts are unacceptable at shows featuring our idol" when Adam kisses a male musician on stage, because, as he says, "Adam Lambert makes people believe things they know they don't believe, and for an hour and a half Wednesday night we all got to play pretend."

This is odd and hard to believe. The audience, acting as one somehow, slinks away? But not the author, of course. He's there to watch, and tell us about it. Brave man.

Apparently, our society, and by extension the entire audience at the Adam Lambert concert, is straight. Because why would gay people slink away?

This is called hetersexism. But why should we look at the author's homophobia, when he's doing such a boffo job of exposing our own? After all, he was at the gay guy's concert.

Along with writing novels, I teach writing at Arizona State University. This concert review would get an F among my freshmen, simply because it fails on so many levels. I teach my kids that no argument can survive without "conditions of rebuttal." This means that we must anticipate the views of those who might disagree with us, and rebut them. In Hernsberger's case, that would include the millions of people worldwide who think Lambert has an incredible voice and is a dynamic performer. A solid review would need to nod to these people, and then argue against their view. For example, one might say "enough people consider Adam talented for him to have a platinum album, but at this concert, he sounded off key and shrill."

But this reviewer opted to ignore these people, just as he ignores the concert as if it was somehow beneath him. And we see, from Hernsberger's writing, that he might simply be too cool and talented to waste his time reviewing such tripe as a platinum artist like Lambert.

The last line: "What's the difference between an Adam Lambert concert and a third-grade talent show? You get free sno-cones at one."

Would the Houston Press have allowed a white writer to review a Beyonce concert, and come back with nothing beyond a piece about how the "audience" was only there to feel better about liking a black artist?

Shame on the Houston Press for allowing this sort of blatant homophobia in their pages
barb4Adam' date='Sep 10th 2010, 9:17 AM

Adam Lambert Brings the Sparkle
Houston Music
He made most moments, ahem sparkle -- from the throbbing beat of If I Had You to a scorching cover of T. Rex's 20th Century Boy. This Glambert had his fix. For now.

Downtown's Hobby Center is usually reserved for Broadway musicals, tasteful dance performances and highfalutin music.

But Thursday night, Sarofim Hall became occupied by the Glam Nation. Feathers and sequins and hats and glitter. So much glitter.

And this was all before American Idol finalist Adam Lambert took the stage.

An overwhelmingly female crowd, from teens to senior citizens, sported Lambert T-shirts and waved multicolored glow sticks in the air. They chattered incessantly. Ran between friends. Furiously snapped photos.

One gray-haired man -- so overwhelmed, apparently, by the frenetic bounce of Ke$ha's Take It Off -- jumped out of his seat and gyrated up and down the aisles, accompanied by women in boas and sparkly tops.

The crowd went wild. A few seemed petrified. Hundreds of camera phones came alive -- including, of course, mine. I wasn't about to miss out on this:

There's a place downtown ...There's a place downtown ...

Some "Glamberts" sported homemade signs: "DANCE PARTY" and "DON'T STOP BELIEVIN'" and "BEND TO ME, ADAM" -- a reference to his 2004 stint in a 2004 Theatre Under the Stars production of Brigadoon.

"It's good to be back in this theater. I did a play here when I was 23," Lambert said early in his set. "It's good to see the constellation is still here."

Lambert took the stage in a top hat and tails combo of sorts. Think a mad-hatter Project Runway challenge (THAT EVILGRETCHEN HOPEFULLY LOSES). He kicked off with obscure tracks Voodoo and Down the Rabbit Hole before launching into his slinky Idol version of Johnny Cash's Ring of Fire. It was an arresting, early highlight.

There was a brief shift into a low-key segment that included an oddly muted Whataya Want From Me and the truly gorgeous Soaked, which plays like a standing-in-the-rain, shout-from-the-mountaintop showtune. I spotted a few misty eyes. (Not mine, duh.)

Lambert talked a lot about love -- for others and for yourself. But his biggest asset is his voice, which powers through crashing production and bursts through every pop chorus.

This isn't just screaming, as some folks would like you to believe. If it was, more people would be doing it.

Lambert has just one disc, 2009's For Your Entertainment, to pull from for his set, which clocked in at just over an hour. More music under his rhinestoned belt will give future treks a more well-rounded feel (and likely result in album tracks Sure Fire Winners and Strut being excised from the list).

Still, Lambert is a more confident, charismatic performer than scores of Idol alumni.

Not that we'd mention names.

At all.

Of course not.

He made most moments, ahem sparkle -- from the throbbing beat of If I Had You to a scorching cover of T. Rex's 20th Century Boy. This Glambert had his fix. For now.
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2010-09-08 Houston, TX Hobby Center


Post by Tiki »

Silvia' date='Sep 11th 2010, 5:25 PM


joooory' date='Sep 11th 2010, 11:02 PM

ltaggett HD
hhhnyc1' date='Sep 13th 2010, 5:17 PM

Amazingly, the Houston Press posted a response to the comments on the Brandon Hersberger review from last week!
Live Shots
Adam Lambert: Reviewing Our Review
By Chris Gray, Mon., Sep. 13 2010 @ 12:00PM Comments (144)
Categories: Live Shots

Photos by Faith Silva
​Rocks Off would like to take this opportunity to address the hundreds of comments that Brandon Hernsberger's review of Adam Lambert's performance last Wednesday at the Hobby Center provoked.

First of all, Rocks Off is not homophobic, nor would we allow anyone we even suspected of being homophobic - or prejudiced against any other group of people, including the middle-aged - to write for us. One of the most important qualities a reviewer must have is an open mind, regardless of his assignment, and so anyone with that sort of prejudice (or any other kind) would be of little use to us.

But we do apologize if the review came across as homophobic or mean-spirited towards any other group. Like many other artists, gay and straight - Elton John, Freddie Mercury, the Rolling Stones, Madonna, Lady Gaga, Kings of Leon - sexuality is an essential part of who Adam Lambert is as a performer, and thus what he does and sings onstage.

Many people believe he lost the 2009 American Idol title to Kris Allen for that very reason: That even though he had not yet come out as openly gay, his appearance and performances disturbed a number of conservative churches enough that they organized phone campaigns to ensure that Allen would win.

​Several commenters have speculated that Rocks Off sent Brandon to the show with the express assignment to do a hatchet job on Lambert so we could get extra hits for our Web site. This is simply not true.

Even if we were, beyond the extra traffic anything with "Adam Lambert" in the headline is almost guaranteed to bring in, this is hardly the way we would have gone about it. We assigned Brandon the review because he has reviewed a number of pop shows for us in the past (Coldplay, Jonas Brothers, Taylor Swift) - some favorably, some not so favorably, but never with any kind of axe to grind.

Other commenters have speculated that based on what he wrote, Brandon may not have even gone to the show at all. This is also not true. We would never, ever even consider running a review by anyone who had not actually attended the concert in question; in this case, Brandon actually texted us from the show remarking on how good his seat was.

Still other commenters pointed out that, whatever else was said, the review was lacking much in the way of musical analysis. Here, unfortunately, we have to agree. Rocks Off's reviewers are welcome to include commentary on any aspect of a performer or performance, up to and including politics, religion and sexuality should they see fit.

Many performers, hardly limited to Lambert, routinely address such controversial issues in both their songs and live performances. But our reviewers' first duty is to consider the music above all else, and to place those other things within the context of what happens onstage, and here we fell short.

It was an error in judgment, both on the reviewer's part and on our part as editor, and for that we apologize. Our music reviews should, and will, do exactly that - review the music.

I particularly like this comment (hope it is ok to bring it over here):
Roxy says:
I appreciate the explanation of the initial article, and let the naysayers refer to us as "cray,cray," but I teach journalism in Georgia at a major university so am not some needy, hanger on in the entertainment world. I was stunned by both the writing and the content of the post. You can detest someone's performance and say so, but the personal attacks on both the performer and the fans was way over the top. To assume you know the motivation of fans, their feelings about assorted on-stage antics, and what their psychological mindset is, comes across as way, way over the top. I am a fiscally conservative, Christian, Republican woman of 38, married with a husband and 3 children who happens to be fascinated by Adam Lambert's voice, his worldview, and the kindness and consideration he displays to interviewers, no matter how inept they may be,and fans.
He treats a 60 year old from Des Moines with the same respect he treated Oprah. Just because Adam is gay and wears eye makeup and "interesting" clothes, does not mean he is not a man any mother would be proud to call her son........ and I won't even discuss where Brandon would fall in that category. It might serve both him and the newspaper well if Brandon took some sensitivity, and writing, training.
Posted On: Monday, Sep. 13 2010 @ 12:53PM
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