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2010-03-19/28 United Kingdom Promo Tour - PERFORMANCE

Posted: Sun Dec 06, 2015 5:08 pm
by glambertparty

2010-03-19/28 United Kingdom Promo Tour - PERFORMANCE

Posted: Sun Dec 06, 2015 5:09 pm
by glambertparty
'joooory' date='Mar 30th 2010, 4:35 PM'

BB while Bowling Gif from mindchnger ::haha:: God ILH ::wub:: ::huggy::

2010-03-19/28 United Kingdom Promo Tour - PERFORMANCE

Posted: Sun Dec 06, 2015 5:12 pm
by glambertparty
'swflaboy' date='Mar 30th 2010, 11:13 PM'

Loved the interview with that cutie Romeo. ::wub::


2010-03-19/28 United Kingdom Promo Tour - PERFORMANCE

Posted: Sun Dec 06, 2015 5:12 pm
by glambertparty
'Lilly_Lambert' date='Mar 31st 2010, 2:21 PM'

Hope this wasn't posted yet. If it was, I apologize for double-posting ::flowers::

Adam interview in London at Capital FM with Rich & Kat

Download link here

or watch it at


2010-03-19/28 United Kingdom Promo Tour - PERFORMANCE

Posted: Sun Dec 06, 2015 5:23 pm
by glambertparty
'SGlam' date='Mar 31st 2010, 2:45 PM'

I'm so upset that woman said Lucas wears those clothes only because his mom makes him to and he doesn't go to theater, only to football ::thumbdown:: How would she know that??

2010-03-19/28 United Kingdom Promo Tour - PERFORMANCE

Posted: Sun Dec 06, 2015 5:23 pm
by glambertparty
'Little Bee' date='Mar 31st 2010, 5:03 PM'

I have seen it and have to say not happy about it at all. Not the nice things Adam said but the way that woman manipulated everything Lucas said.

Background: Before Adam arrived at the bowling the two djs came into the bar and spoke to fans they asked if they could speak to Lucas. He wanted to do it so I let him. I have got the whole thing videod which shows how it went.

THey asked him why he was there, why he likes Adam, fave songs, (fever was one) , if he likes Gaga, talked about his clothes (Lucas could tell them where he got them as he chooses all his clothes) and then asked what he was doing later. He said football training and the woman said do you take the glitter off and Lucas said not all the time sometimes he plays in it. He also said he wanted Adam to tweet him and that he goes to theatre. Lucas then showed them his Gaga pics of himself and all his pics /music/video of Adam he has on his Zen player.

In this interview the woman let Adam believe he only did football and that I make him dress the way he does for attention. So not true - Lucas has dressed 'emo/indie' for around 20mths now - long before he had heard of Adam Lambert. He has a 19 y/o brother and he looks up to him.

Lucas is so upset tonight, he actually cried over it which is so rare for him, he is not a crying child. He gets teased at school and football for clothes and makeup but refuses to change for those people. THis is what has made him upset, he thinks that Adam will now think he is a fake and doesnt really like him. He has his first show at theatre on saturday in the Wizard of Oz and was so happy and going to tweet Adam pics from it. Now he is saying he wishes he hadnt gone on Friday.

I am gutted for him, and have tweeted Adam, Tommy and Monte to try and get the message across that he is like this all the time, does do theater and to give them Lucas' twitter name as Adam wanted it. (@L_U_C_A_5)

Anyone that has met Lucas, or knows him through here please leave comments on the youtube page to tell people he is 'real', then if one of them look at the video they may see it.


2010-03-19/28 United Kingdom Promo Tour - PERFORMANCE

Posted: Sun Dec 06, 2015 5:24 pm
by glambertparty
'Little Bee' date='Apr 1st 2010, 2:56 PM'

2010-03-19/28 United Kingdom Promo Tour - PERFORMANCE

Posted: Sun Dec 06, 2015 5:25 pm
by glambertparty
'Little Bee' date='Apr 1st 2010, 5:33 PM'

Bringing back on topic

Thanks ladies - you know who you are ::huggy:: ::huggy:: ::huggy:: to you all.

2010-03-19/28 United Kingdom Promo Tour - PERFORMANCE

Posted: Sun Dec 06, 2015 5:25 pm
by glambertparty
'Little Bee' date='Apr 1st 2010, 5:45 PM'

Female First album review


2010-03-19/28 United Kingdom Promo Tour - PERFORMANCE

Posted: Sun Dec 06, 2015 5:26 pm
by glambertparty
'cyllan' date='Apr 3rd 2010, 1:10 PM'

Eeek, I sent a text to Gaydar about 10 mins ago saying I heard the interview this morning, loved it and asked them to play FYE, and the DJ just read it out and said "leave it with me, it's in the pile". ::grin::

Never had a request read out before and know it's silly but came over all embarrassed, even though there's only me in the room! ::haha::

Here's the link to the station if anyone wants to listen - click on listen live on lefthand bar

The current programme is a request show - if anyone wants to text in, the number is:
07766 112449

Edit: They just played it - the Bimbo Jones remix. Sounded so cool. ::smile::

2010-03-19/28 United Kingdom Promo Tour - PERFORMANCE

Posted: Sun Dec 06, 2015 5:26 pm
by glambertparty
'madamimadam' date='Apr 3rd 2010, 11:10 PM'

I've made one file out of the four parts of the Gaydar interview:


2010-03-19/28 United Kingdom Promo Tour - PERFORMANCE

Posted: Sun Dec 06, 2015 5:26 pm
by glambertparty
'joooory' date='Apr 4th 2010, 6:21 PM'

@NirvanaDC: hey @adamlambert fans watch this space for more UK press and TV news!

@NirvanaDC: Hi @adamlambert fans no UK news tonight. But you will hear it here first as and when

2010-03-19/28 United Kingdom Promo Tour - PERFORMANCE

Posted: Sun Dec 06, 2015 5:27 pm
by glambertparty
'joooory' date='Apr 6th 2010, 1:46 PM'

Adam Lambert @ Hallam FM - Fans, Outtakes, Extra Bits and more Bert the Lamb

2010-03-19/28 United Kingdom Promo Tour - PERFORMANCE

Posted: Sun Dec 06, 2015 5:27 pm
by glambertparty
'joooory' date='Apr 6th 2010, 6:34 PM'

mindchnger's new gifs from HallamFM

UNF Eyebrows ::devil:: ::icecream::

::haha:: LIH ::heart::


::roll:: I'm Jewish, Yeah stick to your guns BB ::devil:: ::huggy::


2010-03-19/28 United Kingdom Promo Tour - PERFORMANCE

Posted: Sun Dec 06, 2015 5:28 pm
by glambertparty
'joooory' date='Apr 6th 2010, 8:19 PM'

By Adam Lambert, guest editor
I’M touring this summer and hopefully will be able to visit Britain as well.

It’s not going to be a fully-fledged arena tour because I don’t have a massive budget, but I’m going to give it as much production value as I can.

Intimate but flash shows are the plan, so it will look sparkly and glam and maybe there’ll be a bit of flesh too.

Justin Hawkins from The Darkness wrote a song on my album, as did Pink, Linda Perry, Sam Sparro, Ryan Tedder and Max Martin, plus I got to write five songs myself.

Now it’s about figuring out the story and how to string it all together.

CHRISTINA Aguilera’s comeback is very exciting for me as I’m a huge fan. You can’t match Christina’s voice – she has got pipes. Last year a lot of pop girls were doing the circus theme on tour and while they all did it very well I couldn’t understand why they did the same thing.
It was interesting as it was kind of a statement of society and calling the whole entertainment game a circus, so maybe it was meant metaphorically.
Awwww can you read in red he is the editor of this article how sweet ::wub:: ::huggy::

2010-03-19/28 United Kingdom Promo Tour - PERFORMANCE

Posted: Sun Dec 06, 2015 5:30 pm
by glambertparty
'Blue*Rose' date='Apr 7th 2010, 3:09 PM'

My media files for the UK.

214 MTV UK - A Message From Adam Lambert To His UK Fans
215 Capital FM UK - Rich & Kat Chat To Adam Lambert
229 Hallam FM UK - Fans, Outtakes, Extra Bits And More Bert the Lamb

83 GaydarNation UK - Adam Lambert Interview
Download link: 2010 Interviews Folder 4

2010-03-19/28 United Kingdom Promo Tour - PERFORMANCE

Posted: Sun Dec 06, 2015 5:35 pm
by glambertparty
'joooory' date='Apr 7th 2010, 3:41 PM'

BB's single FYE is #1 in Gaydar Radio station ::clap::

2010-03-19/28 United Kingdom Promo Tour - PERFORMANCE

Posted: Sun Dec 06, 2015 5:35 pm
by glambertparty
'LadyLondon' date='Apr 8th 2010, 11:38 AM'

Hiya ::hello:: ::huggy::

I just put this in the itunes thread, but FYE the single is up to 52 on the UK overall Itunes chart and 25 in pop ::wootwave::

Gotta run, but will put up me piccies soon

2010-03-19/28 United Kingdom Promo Tour - PERFORMANCE

Posted: Sun Dec 06, 2015 5:35 pm
by glambertparty
'joooory' date='Apr 11th 2010, 8:25 PM'

Adam on the list of Heaven the HMV concert in London !! ::flowers::

Mon 26th April '10, 07:00pm
Adam Lambert

Strictly Over 14s, ID may be required to gain entry
HMV have 400 pairs of exclusive tickets to give away! Adam Lambert will be performing at Heaven in London on 26th April 2010. To be in with a chance of winning a pair of tickets for this unique event, simply pre-order Adam's brand new album For Your Entertainment. Good luck! Click here for more details.

2010-03-19/28 United Kingdom Promo Tour - PERFORMANCE

Posted: Sun Dec 06, 2015 5:36 pm
by glambertparty
'taliesin' date='Apr 13th 2010, 6:08 AM'


Aw, this is cute. And of course Adam would manage to squeeze innuendo in there ::icecream::
I like the little math disclaimer, and that he really thought it was rabbit, lol. And Lambert's Problem ::haha::
He looks really good too, I keep scrolling up to peek at him...erm...