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***Have-At-It Never-Ending Gabfest***

Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2016 9:46 am
by svca
So sorry for all those that have lost friends and loved ones's been a sad year already and it's only the beginning of February.

::grouphug:: ::grouphug::

***Have-At-It Never-Ending Gabfest***

Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2016 11:25 am
by Moonlightchiara
I haven't been here for a while so i'm just seeing this now.

I am so sorry for the losses some of you have had in the last few days. I've sat here for a few minutes trying to think of something comforting to say, but the reality is, there's nothing anyone can say to make it better. My thoughts are with you. ::huggy::

***Have-At-It Never-Ending Gabfest***

Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2016 11:26 am
by Moonlightchiara
svca » Fri Feb 05, 2016 9:07 pm wrote:Don't mind me, have to brag for a minute ::ninja::

My son just passed his 3rd CPA exam, with a whopping 91!! ::woohoo:: ::woohoo::

So proud of him...he had 90 on his first one, 85 on second, and 91 on the third.

One more to go and he's done, so excited for's been stressful. ::thumbsup::
That's wonderful! So good to hear some happy news!

***Have-At-It Never-Ending Gabfest***

Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2016 12:30 pm
by madamimadam
Aviddem » Thu Feb 04, 2016 8:48 pm wrote:Death is everywhere ::crying:: A dearly beloved coworker of mine called in sick this morning, her family went to check on her and found her unconscious. She was taken to the hospital, and was dead by lunchtime, apparently she was bleeding internally. ::cryblownose::
WOW! I'm so sorry!!!! ::huggy::

***Have-At-It Never-Ending Gabfest***

Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2016 12:31 pm
by svca
Marie, how are you doing, sweetie?

Thinking of you ::huggy::

***Have-At-It Never-Ending Gabfest***

Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2016 12:32 pm
by madamimadam
svca » Fri Feb 05, 2016 8:07 pm wrote:Don't mind me, have to brag for a minute ::ninja::

My son just passed his 3rd CPA exam, with a whopping 91!! ::woohoo:: ::woohoo::

So proud of him...he had 90 on his first one, 85 on second, and 91 on the third.

One more to go and he's done, so excited for's been stressful. ::thumbsup::
Standing O for your son!!!!

I love that we can see the circle of life in everyone's posts!!!!

***Have-At-It Never-Ending Gabfest***

Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2016 12:46 pm
by svca
Yep, that's the beauty of a message board like this...we're family, ups and downs and everything in between. ::flowers::

***Have-At-It Never-Ending Gabfest***

Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2016 1:01 pm
by madamimadam
svca » Sat Feb 06, 2016 12:46 pm wrote:Yep, that's the beauty of a message board like this...we're family, ups and downs and everything in between. ::flowers::
Yup! And in a funny way, easier to talk to you guys than real life friends sometimes...

The loss of my friend has affected the whole 'group'... so we're being 'strong' for each other... And sometimes there are things we feel that we can't voice so as to not sadden our friends even more...

Here, there's a distance between you guys and my 'group'... I can cry and bitch against fate and cancer... I know you'll understand but won't be hurt by my bitterness at that fucking disease that took my husband way too soon and now this friend.

***Have-At-It Never-Ending Gabfest***

Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2016 1:13 pm
by svca
I think it's actually healthier to cry and bitch and scream...lets it out, so the healing process can begin.

I look at my Dad, he just lost his sister a couple of months ago to ovarian cancer; he lost his brother a couple of years ago to prostate cancer, and yet I've never, ever seen him cry....even though I know he's hurting. He just wasn't raised that way. He would never admit to hurting inside, he would never just sit and talk about them.

Scream and bitch away....we're here for you, we love you and understand and we all hate cancer ::cryblownose:: ::cryblownose::

***Have-At-It Never-Ending Gabfest***

Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2016 1:31 pm
by madamimadam
svca » Sat Feb 06, 2016 1:13 pm wrote:I think it's actually healthier to cry and bitch and scream...lets it out, so the healing process can begin.

I look at my Dad, he just lost his sister a couple of months ago to ovarian cancer; he lost his brother a couple of years ago to prostate cancer, and yet I've never, ever seen him cry....even though I know he's hurting. He just wasn't raised that way. He would never admit to hurting inside, he would never just sit and talk about them.

Scream and bitch away....we're here for you, we love you and understand and we all hate cancer ::cryblownose:: ::cryblownose::
It may be healthier to let it out... but as a parent, it's a fine line you need to walk...

When my husband passed away, my boys were 19 and 21. I had to be strong... In reality, all I wanted to do is crawl into that grave and lie down with my husband but I would NEVER have told my kids or my friends that... I got a notebook and wrote all the awful stuff I felt.... I was pissed at my hubby for leaving me so soon, for leaving me to take care of the boys, the house, the dog, the cars... I actually was so pissed that some of those entries in that notebook actually tore the pages... literally! I was pressing so hard that my pen went right through the pages.... I wanted to die but wouldn't commit suicide because I didn't want to leave THAT burden on my kids, but I prayed... Oh, Lord! Did I pray that God would take me... hit me by a bus... take a bad fall... heart attack... ANYTHING that would bring me back to my hubby....

A few months after his death, I found an online support group... first time ever I knew such things existed on the internet... There, I could rail against God, life, fairness... and I was safe... Those people would never actually 'touch my real life', so I was free to say whatever I wanted.

I'm off in a few hours to the wake for my friend.... I'll spend 4 hours with the 'group' and we'll reminisce about Nick and laugh and cry together... I don't even know what I want to say anymore...

::crying:: ::crying:: ::crying::

***Have-At-It Never-Ending Gabfest***

Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2016 2:35 pm
by svca
Will be thinking of you ::huggy:: ::huggy:: ::heart::

***Have-At-It Never-Ending Gabfest***

Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2016 8:44 pm
by sandyrk
Much love to you, Marie... ::derrderr::

All we can do in life is just keep on keeping on...

***Have-At-It Never-Ending Gabfest***

Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2016 9:01 pm
by madamimadam
Just got home from the wake... I've brought in the tweets from the last 5 hours.... Now I'm off to bed... I'm emotionally spent...

See everyone tomorrow...


***Have-At-It Never-Ending Gabfest***

Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2016 10:22 pm
by donnamb
So sorry to read of the loss of your good friend, Marie. Cancer is horrible - I lost my mother when she was only 52 from cancer. Just when she was so happy that grandchildren were coming into her life.
I sing in a small church choir, and one of the altos passed away suddenly this week. I was surprised to learn that she was only 73 - I knew that she had health problems, and thought she was much older. I'm going to miss her complaints about just about everything, whether voiced in the choir stalls or meeting up in the supermarket.
So, "aging is the only way to live", (not my phrase). I'm working on appreciating all the people in my life.

***Have-At-It Never-Ending Gabfest***

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2016 8:24 am
by Love2Lurk
madamimadam » Sat Feb 06, 2016 9:01 pm wrote:Just got home from the wake... I've brought in the tweets from the last 5 hours.... Now I'm off to bed... I'm emotionally spent...

See everyone tomorrow...


Sending peace & love & hugs to you Marie ::grouphug::

So sorry to see/read of you loss ::wub::

I have been MIA of late....lurking though.....thank you too for all you do ::wub:: ::flowers::

Take care Marie ::hugkissblush::

***Have-At-It Never-Ending Gabfest***

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2016 1:17 pm
by madamimadam
Adam. if you're starting to think about your next tour for your next album and dancers... Just sayin'... ::whistle::


***Have-At-It Never-Ending Gabfest***

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2016 7:40 pm
by madamimadam
I love us!!!! Kanye vs Adam - BoRhap... ::hysterical:: ::icant:: ::hysterical::


***Have-At-It Never-Ending Gabfest***

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2016 8:04 pm
by madamimadam
For those of you who like to follow Adam's flights.... Da Plane! Da Plane! Emirate 216 UAE216

***Have-At-It Never-Ending Gabfest***

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2016 9:34 pm
by donnamb
Grr. My 91 year old father is in a senior condo down in Florida. Technically, still independent living. You would think the front desk would call my cell phone to say emts were there and he was being transported to the hospital? NO, left a message on my house phone. I work. I'm not in my house 12 hours out of the day. And they didn't call my sister, when they couldn't get in touch with me.
Well, although everything seems to be under control, the condo people now wanted my work phone number. Of course, that number won't work real well if I'm in court or at client meetings, since I'm not necessarily at my desk from 9 to 5. So, now, I have to ask all the secretaries to take messages if I get a call from this place, and send me an email.

***Have-At-It Never-Ending Gabfest***

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2016 12:24 am
by tbert
madamimadam » Tue Feb 09, 2016 9:04 pm wrote:For those of you who like to follow Adam's flights.... Da Plane! Da Plane! Emirate 216 UAE216
I looked at Adams flight.. yikes! The flight goes right over the conflicts in Syria in the middle east ::crying:: hoping no fighter jets get near our boy ::nono:: ::nono:: !