2012-11-13 Cape Town (SA)

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2012-11-13 Cape Town (SA)


Post by Tiki »

madamimadam' date='Nov 15th 2012, 3:37 AM

The dynamic trio in their 'youth'....

citygirl36 Yummy RT @SepiasSecret: Found it! The other Kiss & Tell pic with Johnny Rice & Terrance http://twitpic.com/bdc55u
madamimadam' date='Nov 15th 2012, 10:36 AM

Natali Jones
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2012-11-13 Cape Town (SA)


Post by Tiki »

madamimadam' date='Nov 15th 2012, 10:55 AM

Lisa_Ridgway: Meeting @adamlambert was the highlight of my year! http://pic.twitter.com/D1omUPL4

TheSpindleshay: looool http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8345/8186909...8aab71a81_b.jpg

LisaKomatsubara I made another collage of @adamlambert's awesome Trespassing outfit! I can't get enough of it! http://pic.twitter.com/fuZAsMC0

shoshannastone http://youtu.be/rId5mV2FrL4 love this surprise! Adam does Lenny's 'Are you going to go my way'. So good!
madamimadam' date='Nov 15th 2012, 11:10 AM

The FACE! The BAG!!!! :roll:

vegas1024 lol that face RT @getbacktothat: lol that bag. http://pic.twitter.com/GH6PpmFs
barb4Adam' date='Nov 15th 2012, 11:15 AM

madamimadam' date='Nov 15th 2012, 11:26 AM

FierceMama @BRETTALANNELSON @phillipeblond @theblondsny Did any of you do the "Straight" Jacket for Adam too?? :) http://pbs.twimg.com/media/A7qrY_aCIAASeAK.../A7qrY_aCIAASeA

BRETTALANNELSON @FierceMama_ no! @MARCOSQUARED made that for Adam!
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2012-11-13 Cape Town (SA)


Post by Tiki »

madamimadam' date='Nov 15th 2012, 6:41 PM

ScorpioBert Terrances face, lol, I can't http://www.flickr.com/photos/tigerlily_pix...57632016289194/
madamimadam' date='Nov 17th 2012, 8:41 PM

ladistardust: Swinging off of my hinges.... Cuckoo Cape Town http://pic.twitter.com/N3Z82yzA

hooplamagnet More Cape Town vids from Vanessa Ruiters http://is.gd/J6hXYa

ladistardust: Reuploaded higher quality Underneath from CT if anyone's interested http://youtu.be/IPEANcK6n1o

ladistardust: Improved quality OOL CT http://youtu.be/Tz6N0SdH0ns

ScorpioBert New HD vids from Cape Town being uploaded here: http://www.youtube.com/user/hottramp
madamimadam' date='Nov 18th 2012, 2:14 AM

Cape Town newspaper...

SophDix lolol "Strait to their hearts" RT @GermanGlam Look who's in the newspaper... :D http://pic.twitter.com/p5aC7OZS
barb4Adam' date='Nov 18th 2012, 12:29 PM

@Daisy_Roots Adam Lambert Underneath in Cape Town: http://twitpic.com/bea6nu/full http://t.co/DEG7Oyir

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2012-11-13 Cape Town (SA)


Post by Tiki »

barb4Adam' date='Nov 18th 2012, 2:03 PM

Translation of article about Adam in Die Son (loosely translated Google Translate): THE flamboyant American (cont) http://tl.gd/k25fou

Google translate!!!...
THE flamboyant American Idol runner-up Adam Lambert on Wednesday night Cape gay scene will check to see if he might be a luck can knock loose. :?

He is in the hours droëbek back to his hotel room after hours of "exploration".

The management team of American singer acted Grand West's Grand Arena on Tuesday, before the gay restaurant Beefcakes and gay nightclub Crew Bar informed the singer wants to explore the Cape scene in Green Point.

Adam remained the Table Bay Hotel in the Waterfront and would go Tuesday after his performance Greenpoint, but it has to be ended.

Andrew Eglin, co-owner of Beefcakes, says Adam surprised Wednesday evening.
"He and six of his dancers have come here to eat."Beefcakes is known for its juicy meat and citizens :yes: :haha: but Adam went for hasiekos. "He ate a salad."

After dinner, Adam the drag show Princess: :haha: Pop in the restaurant looked.

"He enjoyed it very much. He loves the atmosphere here. "Eglin said Adam was very quiet with the male fans around him gekloek. "He was a very humble man."

Sue Ann Allen, SA MasterChef runner, heard Adam is Beefcakes and will make a turn. "He is an absolute sweet-heart. I'm a big fan of him. "

Eglin said Adam Red Bulls and shooters and was from 19:00 until after 23:00 Beefcakes.

But Adam, who is currently in a relationship with the Finn Sauli Koskinen, has not wanted to sleep. The singer then at Crew Bar popped. Ian McMahon, owner, says Adam and his dancers had two bottles of French champagne Moet & Chandon and had vodka tonics.

"Adam said he loves Cape Town and would love to return."

After all eyes on Adam, he later decided to go home.

"And he just went home," said McMahon.

His dancers still a long time after he left.

Adam tweeted Cape Town knows party. "Wooohoo! Cape Town, South Africa - you turn it out on a Friday night! "The tweet read.

Adam was seen the next morning at the Sea Point promenade where he went jogging. He flew to Johannesburg on Thursday afternoon for his performance.
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2012-11-13 Cape Town (SA)


Post by Tiki »

barb4Adam' date='Nov 18th 2012, 8:33 PM

Awesome @adamlambert EXCLUSIVE! Article/Art Work by @FoxVegas:"American singer-songwriter Adam Lambert" http://fb.me/zODDQ7MH

By Brenda English (@FoxVegas)

Timeline: On a lazy Sunday afternoon, while reading stacks of glowing articles and reviews about your South Africa concerts, Adam.
Truth: Move one grain of sand on the beach, you will change the Universe forever.

Adam, do you remember when you talked with Oprah on her show a couple of years ago? You said in that interview that it felt to you like the whole world was thinking of you as "openly gay Adam Lambert?” You wondered then if that was how you would always be known. Oprah reassured you that it was already changing and would continue to do so. You paused, then said wistfully, “…..I hope so…”

Good news, Adam Lambert! Not any longer, duderoonie! I've read a lot of articles in the last couple of weeks written about you, your South Africa concerts and your upcoming VH1 Diva concert. Know something? Not once have I see any headline that used the words openly gay in conjunction with your name! Really, truly...not once.

The novelty has worn off and the media is starting to GET you. It seems they needed to use the adjective “openly gay” to get themselves used to saying and writing those words, and to become more comfortable seeing the same words appearing in their by-lines. I don’t think it ever had anything to do with who you are, at all. It had everything to do with the person interviewing you about your concerts or writing about you and your music. The truly good interviewers and journalists never used the words openly gay in their work.

Now, the level of personal comfort experienced by these same journalists and reviewers in coming to terms with the fact that you are openly gay has reached a tipping point, and they no longer need to say or write the words. They accept you more as an entire package, no longer seeing you as a compartmentalized person to be broken down into describable segments. Their level of comfort has continually increased over the past few years ... now they are part of your posse!

In the last few weeks, I'm seeing the words "singer songwriter,” "amazing artist," "headliner," & my personal favorite, "A-Lister" all attached to your name in various reviews. You've shown them from the very beginning who you are and what you're all about, and they are now getting with the program. I’m also noticing a cosmic acceptance among the media of who you are as a man and what makes you so interesting. Being openly gay is only a part of the whole person and the media is learning what the rest of the world already knew about you from the get-go … that you’re a multi-dimensional, multi-faceted man who just happens to sing like a glorious, glamorous bat racing lightning-fast out of the gates of some silvery glitter-splashed hell!

Just as openly gay is only a part of the whole, so is the music. Although that music is what first caught the world’s attention, the press now understands that being a rippin’ good vocalist and songwriter is also only part of who you are. Combined with the bits of yourself that you allow the public to see of you as a family member, a best friend, a boyfriend and a guy who loves music and a kick-ass good party, they are learning that you are a very interesting and divergent man, simply doing your best to walk the walk and not just talk the talk. What they see is that you are living your life, while balancing those elusive shadows of fame and celebrity-hood that come with being on the Universal stage. The media’s been given glimpses of you in your private life, as well as while you are at work onstage ... and they’re gradually morphing into effusive Glamberts!

What we as fans know is that you changed the very essence of this Universe the first time you and your siippa walked your first Red Carpet as a couple. That changed everything. By that gentle act of courage, integrity and honesty, you stirred the proverbial pot just enough to shake out the moths and dust from the staid and stolid threads of every Red Carpet event to come. That act of love helped to stoke the media firestorm around your being openly gay, and it breathed life into those two words that lasted in the press for a couple of years.

No longer, though. They’ve begun to see you as more than who you sleep with and more than how you apply your eyeliner. They are now beginning to understand you as a human being with a good heart, and for that, your fan base thanks them profusely.

It’s jolly about time, I say!
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2012-11-13 Cape Town (SA)


Post by Tiki »

madamimadam' date='Nov 19th 2012, 11:38 AM


ScorpioBert MP4 DL Trespassing - Cape Town - HD 1080 shot by @Daisy_Roots http://www.mediafire.com/?ainne6lvk1epffn

ScorpioBert mp4 DL Is This Love - 1080HD from @Daisy_Roots video http://www.mediafire.com/?qa35x433vkl3zbz

She redid these .... again....

ScorpioBert Improved Video: Is This Love - Cape Town 1080HD

ScorpioBert I've reuploaded a better file to Youtube for Trespassing from Cape Town

madamimadam' date='Nov 19th 2012, 5:58 PM

ScorpioBert Pop That Lock - Cape Town 1080HD via @Daisy_Roots ScorpioBert Pop That Lock - Cape Town 1080HD via @Daisy_Roots http://youtu.be/dSgvRg0oEjY Mp4 DL http://www.mediafire.com/?itcioywdh6slwnt

madamimadam' date='Nov 20th 2012, 1:26 AM

ScorpioBert OOL-Adam Lambert - Cape Town -11-13-2012 1080HD: http://youtu.be/6dphKjr6I98 Courtesy @Daisy_Roots mp4 DL http://www.mediafire.com/?ba8022t5j5crrw5

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2012-11-13 Cape Town (SA)


Post by Tiki »

madamimadam' date='Nov 20th 2012, 2:45 PM

ScorpioBert IIHY & Naked Love - Adam Lambert - Cape Town- 11-13-2012 1080HD: Uploaded for @Daisy_Roots MP4 DL http://www.mediafire.com/?boikiwaiijxw9xp

madamimadam' date='Nov 21st 2012, 5:16 PM

ScorpioBert Cuckoo -Ncoe -Adam Lambert - Cape Town - 1080 HD: uploaded for @Daisy_Roots Mp4 DL http://www.mediafire.com/?fi34ba4vtqdgh1x

madamimadam' date='Nov 23rd 2012, 9:50 PM

ScorpioBert WWFM&ChokeHold-Adam Lambert- Cape Town 1080 HD 11-13-12: Corrected MP4 DL link http://www.mediafire.com/?c9b1556kepbnryb … …

madamimadam' date='Nov 21st 2012, 9:55 PM

ScorpioBert AYGGMW Cover -Adam Lambert - Cape Town-11-13-2012 1080HD: uploaded for Daisy_Roots mp4 DL http://www.mediafire.com/?w8rc6a33q905my5

madamimadam' date='Nov 24th 2012, 1:20 PM

Awesome HD front row video
Fame, Strut and Fever

madamimadam' date='Nov 24th 2012, 8:13 PM

ScorpioBert Underneath & Broken Open - Cape Town - 11-13-2012 1080 HD: courtesy @Daisy_Roots mp4 DL

madamimadam' date='Nov 25th 2012, 2:45 PM

ScorpioBert Fame-Strut- Fever- Adam Lambert - Cape Town - 11-13-2012 1080HD: courtesy @Daisy_Roots MP4 DL http://www.mediafire.com/?doqya41q2zb9xc7

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2012-11-13 Cape Town (SA)


Post by Tiki »

madamimadam' date='Dec 1st 2012, 3:01 PM


ScorpioBert Shady- Adam Lambert- Cape Town- 11-13-2012 1080 HD: mp4 DL http://www.mediafire.com/?i9iz369k7mf6eau

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