2010-08-19 Hyannis, MA, Cape Cod Melody Tent

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2010-08-19 Hyannis, MA, Cape Cod Melody Tent


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Tiki'srose' date='Aug 20th 2010, 12:15 AM

Just found this and thought I would bring it over while we wait for some more vids from Suz.
20th OcOpen CompetitionsWinners ListsShop Adam Lambert's Glam Nation tour set for Oz
Local News, By Matt Akersten, 20th August, 2010

Out gay glam rocker Adam Lambert has announced shows in Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane this October.

The Whataya Want From Me singer is bringing his full-on Glam Nation show with him, promising an experience “resplendent with glitter, leather and melodrama.”

His people say: “Audiences can expect to see an audio-visual spectacular, both theatrical and atmospheric, when Lambert takes the stage with his playful melodrama conjuring up nods to Sixties psychadelia, Seventies disco and Eighties glam-goth. With a voice that has the falsetto extension and flamboyance of Freddie Mercury and the neon-bright stage presence of the Scissor Sisters, this newly minted pop star is set to be a swooping phenomenon.”

The American Idol runner-up was a popular guest at Sydney’s Mardi Gras Party back in March.

Lambert’s string of Aussie East Coast shows will begin in Melbourne on Tuesday 19th October when he takes the stage at The Palace, before heading north to Sydney’s Metro Theatre on Wednesday tober, and then finishes up on Friday 22nd October at The Tivoli in Brisbane
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vistadiva' date='Aug 20th 2010, 12:18 AM

I JUST LUV all our Canadian skanks :hug:
Here's the special from MuchMusic..."Born to Be Adam Lambert" that aired tonight in Canada. Some fantastic Canadian ripped it to you tube for us...

Enjoy,......it's a goodie!

Born To Be Adam Lambert Part 1

Born To Be Adam Lambert Part 2
vistadiva' date='Aug 20th 2010, 1:30 AM

Born To Be Adam Lambert Part 3
vistadiva' date='Aug 20th 2010, 12:22 AM


Opening Medley
joooory' date='Aug 20th 2010, 12:32 AM

Music Again

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2010-08-19 Hyannis, MA, Cape Cod Melody Tent


Post by Tiki »

vistadiva' date='Aug 20th 2010, 12:50 AM

inscrutable7 Oh Neil. RT glambert4570: Oh and negativeneil thnks a lot for flipping me off, all I said was ur name god
3 minutes ago via Echofon
joooory' date='Aug 20th 2010, 12:55 AM

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2010-08-19 Hyannis, MA, Cape Cod Melody Tent


Post by Tiki »

joooory' date='Aug 20th 2010, 1:07 AM

sweetmm' date='Aug 20th 2010, 1:09 AM


My bus mates are tweeting eachother while they sit right next to one another... I dunno guys... You're abusing twitter.
madamimadam' date='Aug 20th 2010, 1:16 AM

TerranceDlibra Get into it @adamlambert It's the thing to do ;)
less than a minute ago via Twitter for Android

SashaMallory @adamlambert u know u want to :)
2 minutes ago via Twitter for iPhone in reply to adamlambert

SashaMallory I love challenges... Revolving stage? YES please! Next time put an open shark tank around us... Mmmkay? Night twats \o/ sauce
3 minutes ago via Twitter for iPhone

adamlambert My bus mates are tweeting eachother while they sit right next to one another... I dunno guys... You're abusing twitter.
9 minutes ago via Twitter for iPhone

TerranceDlibra @sashamallory :) don't make me blush.*kisses*
11 minutes ago via Twitter for Android

SashaMallory I have my creeper times ;p
11 minutes ago via Twitter for iPhone

SashaMallory @TerranceDlibra ur cute when u sleep haaaa
13 minutes ago via Twitter for iPhone in reply to TerranceDlibra
Hand' date='Aug 20th 2010, 1:19 AM

Terrancedlibra @adamlambert I see you.
BlueIndigoSky' date='Aug 20th 2010, 1:20 AM

SashaMallory I love challenges... Revolving stage? YES please! Next time put an open shark tank around us... Mmmkay? Night twats \o/ sauce
3 minutes ago via Twitter for iPhone

madamimadam' date='Aug 20th 2010, 1:25 AM

SashaMallory @TerranceDlibra u know T I don't think he wants to
2 minutes ago via Twitter for iPhone in reply to TerranceDlibra

SashaMallory @adamlambert u just smiled.. U want to u know u do... Do it :P
4 minutes ago via Twitter for iPhone in reply to adamlambert

TerranceDlibra @adamlambert, I see you.
6 minutes ago via Twitter for Android
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2010-08-19 Hyannis, MA, Cape Cod Melody Tent


Post by Tiki »

joooory' date='Aug 20th 2010, 1:32 AM


joooory' date='Aug 20th 2010, 1:41 AM

madamimadam' date='Aug 20th 2010, 1:48 AM

I'm off to bed, but just wanted to put in my two cents worth....

First, about the cookies. I got caught and was told to stop videoing. I smiled sweetly, apologized, and put my phone down... hence the beautiful video of seats in front of me. After making sure security had bought my apology, I would put up the phone hiding the entire screen with my hand, but it made me look like a fool - try to picture the arm in the air, half folded, with an unmoving hand... :roll:

Second, Adam worked that stage like the pro he is. He gave everyone a little sumthin... If he did the Fever dance on one side, he did the Strut one on the other... He sang to everyone when standing. He sat down for WWFM and sang on my side... Then he sat at the end of Soaked on the other side... The dancers had to hang on by their fingernails on the edge of the stage waiting to 'go on'.

So........ This may have been a fun/different venue, but personally, it was the one where the Glam Nation Tour show was the least cohesive from all the venues I have been at.

Maybe it will grow on me, I'll be seeing the Cohasset show tonight... We'll see!

But, I must say.... BEST ENTRANCE EVER!!!!! Adam should consider doing that in regular venues... Walk in from the back of the theater and walk down one of the aisles... AWESOME!!!!
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2010-08-19 Hyannis, MA, Cape Cod Melody Tent


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BlueIndigoSky' date='Aug 20th 2010, 2:47 AM

From Lupos in Providence, RI
BlueIndigoSky' date='Aug 20th 2010, 4:14 AM

Great photos from timmmc on flickr from tonight's show http://tinyurl.com/25kw2oh
about 1 hour ago via TweetDeck
barb4Adam' date='Aug 20th 2010, 9:57 AM

On Friday 20th August 2010, @FoxVegas said
"So, @adamlambert ... That was some freakin' good SHOW! Talk about adaptability!!! Holy cheese 'n crackers! We had luscious second row seats, and it was such an intimate communication between artist and audience tonight. That's how it felt from where I was sitting...hope you had the same energy from it.
Here are a few highlights, from my perspective ~
Hellishly grand entrance, AdamAdam, just as breathtaking as your staircase entrance on Idol for Feelin' Gooood! I loved it and so did the people around me! There were lots of gasps, OMG's and general shock and awe. Do it again sometime, if you like...it was pretty bloomin' special!
Totally adored seeing the ebb and flow of the show from an entirely different vantage point. I loved getting an inside look at the sound systems, watching Vince werk his magic with the guitars, seeing Brooke, Terrance, Taylor & Sasha perform and then...vanish! It was pretty cool seeing them become nearly invisible hiding behind Cam, crouching behind Long...really well done! Kudos to them, totally.
Your band is siiiick! They are just killer. I am more impressed by these gifted musicians that work with you every time I see this show. Watching Monte's mind-blowing instrumentals, seeing Longineu Totally rippin' it, Cam's key work and vocals are amazeballs and Tommy...what can I say? The boy can play that bass!
You made us all feel included! When the stage stopped revolving, you simply took over and moved from side to side..that was so thoughtful and kind of you! Gave everyone the feeling of being included in your magical dream of a stage show!
Thanks for going with the flow and working each venue as it comes. They are all different and they all provide their own challenges, and you and your crew just eat them up and spit them out! Rawwwwrrrrr!
Good job, Adam! I am ssssoooo very proud of you"
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2010-08-19 Hyannis, MA, Cape Cod Melody Tent


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*ShellBell86*' date='Aug 20th 2010, 10:04 AM

I've been on such a high from seeing our wonderful, hot, sexy, fierce, totally beautiful Glam God Adam at Hyannis with my mom...oh my freakin' god!!!! We had such an adamazing time seeing as we were actually eleven rows away from the stage.

So my parents and I were driving all the way there, and I already was preparing to realistically think that we would not be able to find extra tickets. When we arrived, we first went to the box office if there were any cancellations. They said that they don't do those kinds of things. Suddenly...we approached two women who had four tickets and did not know what to do with two extra of those. So they were very nice enough to sell them to us for only $37 each! I'm really telling you, I feel so amazed by how certain things seem to work out in the end. I think it's bc of all the positive vibes and of the good vibes I've sent out the whole day.

But anyway...back to the story at hand...my parents and I were trying to figure out what to do...my mom was willing to go see him with me bc she is a fan of his. And we were figuring out whether or not she would enjoy sitting through Alli's set and Ori's set...so at the end, we decided that the two of us would enjoy while my dad went to see Eat Pray Love at the movies.

So we got to the tent, which is actually pretty small and intimate compared to NYC Nokia. But OMRG...Adam really knows how to work around the revolving stage setting. He came out from across the tent in one of its entrances instead of the usual staircase he'd used.

HOLY crap!!!!! It felt so freaking amazing to actually see this beautiful, sexy man right in front of my own two eyes!!!! Adam's voice was so chord-striking, and I felt all this positive energy he was sending out to the fans. Voodoo/ROF felt like a really spiritual experience...his voice soared to very amazing heights!!! Aaaaaahhhhh!!!! I felt like I was in Psychedelia-Cirque Du Soleil-meets-Burning Man!! I was just in freaking heaven!!!! Squeeeee!!!!!

There wasn't too much Adommy action in Fever, but at one point during IIHY, Adam took this black bra that somebody threw onstage, proceeded to wrap it around Tommy's neck, and turn it into this BOWTIE!!!! LMAO!!! God I love those two!!! And I loved Monte...he had this lightning bolt design shaved on the back of his head...and his solos were awesome!! At one point, also during IIHY, you could see Adam's tongue *THUD* wagging along to Monte's solo...UNF!!!! SFW and Strut were just so SEXY to the freakin' max UNF!!!! He's just one helluva freakishly sexy animal with so much energy onstage. He totally rocked the energetic krumping with Brooke. Btw...the dancers gave so much energy...it's un-freaking-believable!!!

My mom and I marvelled at the exquisite beauty of Soaked...Adam sounded so beautiful and we felt those emotions he projected. After it ended, we gave each other such a heartfelt hug and kiss that real mother-daughter relationships could provide. Also, Aftermath was really heartfelt and I could truly identify with the lyrics "just remember you are not alone"...I swear to god...I must've sent a few silent prayers of thanks to the universe...this is another reason why I love Adam. It's like he truly gives so selflessly and in return it's a mutual exchange from the fans. He's just such an inspiration to me...and I want to, from this point on, to truly keep thinking positive thoughts. My mom has always advised me to look at the glass as half full and NOT so half-empty. But anyway...what else? Sleepwalker was very intense...it was like I could feel his emotions pouring out of his soul.

Ooooh yeah...how could I forget 20th freaking Century Boy?! Oh my rock god!!!! Adam just blew the roof off with his powerhouse voice...and there's more...Monte did his guitar solo LYING on the freaking floor of the stage!!!! Now that is glamtastic rock 'n roll!!!!

My mom and I did not go wait in front of the buses bc my dad was on his way to pick us up. But...I really felt so awesome...and before you know it...a beautiful moon appeared on the horizon.

So yes...since I did not have my camera with me bc it died on me, as Paula Abdul said...I "took it, TOOK IT ALL IN!!!!"

I'm laying here now processing all that happened on this day. What an amazing way to almost end my vacation at the Cape.

Now the only question really is..."Am I ever gonna sleep tonight?" I love the glam band, the dancers...and I freaking love Adam Mitchel Lambert! It was definitely worth the money, and I just can't wait to see all the vids on Youtube of that night. Weeeeeeeee!!!!!!! :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub:
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2010-08-19 Hyannis, MA, Cape Cod Melody Tent


Post by Tiki »

Silvia' date='Aug 20th 2010, 10:10 AM




barb4Adam' date='Aug 20th 2010, 10:22 AM


Lambert displays showmanship, musical talent at Tent
By Gwenn Friss
August 20, 2010 2:00 AM

HYANNIS – With all the fuss over his leathers and feathers, it’s easy to forget that Adam Lambert can sing with a powerful tenderness that is utterly captivating.

Don’t get me wrong, impresario P.T. Barnum would have loved this guy.

The whole circus ringmaster entrance, singing “For Your Entertainment” as he pulled invisible strings to manipulate a human marionette and nuzzled a lithe cat-like creature against his legs, was pure Liberace meets Liza Minnelli. And it was just dandy.

Lambert moves with a dancer’s sensuality that would get him noticed even if he weren’t wearing a feathered top hat and fur-collared coat. (He was.) But, hey, that whole shtick is fun, the dancers are amazing (they have a number with a tribal beat while he’s off changing) and Lambert looks terrific in the floor-length and fitted black coat he wears later.

His rendition of Johnny Cash’s 1963 classic “Ring of Fire” makes you realize if Cash was trying to escape hell, Lambert is just visiting in this version – a powerhouse that shows off his range and falsetto. You can picture him dancing up those notes.

But it was when he pulled off the costumes and settled on a stool for “Whataya Want From Me?” that Lambert reminded the 2,300 people at the sold-out Cape Cod Melody Tent last night why he should have won the 2009 season of American Idol. He finds at least a dozen vocal phrasings that all convey a man trying to make a relationship work.

In “Aftermath,” which he co-wrote for the CD “For Your Entertainment,” Lambert sings about caring for someone in a song that both shows the high end of his vocal range and sounds like a lullaby.

With thanks to all the powers that be, the vocal-instrumental mix was terrific all evening long. Not only for Lambert and his musicians, but for the two bands that preceded him.

Allison Iraheta, who was in the Top 10 of American Idol with Lambert, opened with an early set at 7:30 p.m., probably accounting for why the Tent was full a half-hour before show time. She and her band did a fine job.

The 8 p.m. billed opening act, Australian singer-songwriter Orianthi Panagaris – who goes by her first name only – plays a mean guitar.

She was in the limelight after Michael Jackson died as the guitarist in his last rehearsals, portrayed in the movie, “This Is It.”

Whether playing riffs on her knees or sliding the guitar pick over the frets, she demonstrates impressive musical skills, and her vocals – especially on “According To You” – are catchy and fierce at the same time.

With all the fuss about Lambert’s on-stage antics, I wasn’t sure what to expect. But all in all, it was an evening to tell your friends about.
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2010-08-19 Hyannis, MA, Cape Cod Melody Tent


Post by Tiki »

Silvia' date='Aug 20th 2010, 11:04 AM

Fever HD

Medley HD
Silvia' date='Aug 20th 2010, 11:29 AM




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2010-08-19 Hyannis, MA, Cape Cod Melody Tent


Post by Tiki »

barb4Adam' date='Aug 20th 2010, 11:47 AM

cynthilu "Cirque de SO GAY!!! LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hahahahahahaha"!!! 45 minutes ago via web

Tracie312 @WARNWILLIS "I NEVER realized just how AWESOME @Longineu is. You don't have any idea until you can watch him from all angles. POWERFUL"... <3 U.... L.P.!!

Lori A feetchick "WHUTUP with throwing stuff on stage. i can't believe ppl would still do that, after Adam has requested not to. i saw a lot at Lupo's too." about 2 hours ago via web

feetchick "that happened last nite RIGHT beside where we were sitting. @adamlambert 's eyes were flashing angry fire and he was PISSED. f-rightly so"!!! about 2 hours ago via web
Silvia' date='Aug 20th 2010, 11:51 AM


Soaked HD
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Silvia' date='Aug 20th 2010, 12:20 PM


Silvia' date='Aug 20th 2010, 1:56 PM



Soaked and Aftermath



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2010-08-19 Hyannis, MA, Cape Cod Melody Tent


Post by Tiki »

barb4Adam' date='Aug 20th 2010, 3:55 PM

On Friday 20th August 2010, @adamlambert said "Just visited Children's Hospital in Boston. Good reminder to appreciate life's value. Those kids have such incredible spirits in the face of illness. I'm inspired"

GlammyDi @adamlambert "Overwhelmed w emotion that you took time today to visit Children's Hospital esp. w another challenging concert tonite. Luv U"! 1 minute ago via web in reply to adamlambert.

slave2adam @adamlambert "Your example inspires many of us to be better people. How thoughtful of you.

"They dont come much sweeter. Thanks for all you do". 34 minutes ago via web in reply to adamlambert
joooory' date='Aug 20th 2010, 9:54 PM

alreference HD



Band interlude

Dancers interlude
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2010-08-19 Hyannis, MA, Cape Cod Melody Tent


Post by Tiki »

Strut4MeAdam' date='Aug 22nd 2010, 7:32 PM


My husband had bought my daughter and I tickets one day when I was at
work. We decided to take a long weekend vacation at the Cape since that
is where we like to go every year.

We arrived in the afternoon and my daughter and I patiently waited until
we went out to dinner and were then dropped off at the "Tent". This was
about 8pm.

We tried to figure out if Adam was actually in the bus that was parked right
out in front. My guess was that he wasn't because I didn't think he'd walk
right out in front of everyone. I guessed that he was on the grounds somewhere
so that he could get all prettied up!

We walked to one of the staff who scanned our tickets. One woman checked
inside my pocketbook and told me that I needed to check my camera because
those kind can't be used inside the tent. Thankfully I had a small one also which she
said I could use. I'm glad I was prepared or I would have not gotten anything!!!

So I checked the bigger, better and brand new camera that I could have gotten
Adam's nose hairs with had I been able to sneak it in. Oh well.

After checking in my camera, we waited in a long line for a tshirt for my daughter
for about a 1/2 hour. I told her I was going to check out where Adam might be and
I'd be back. Alison was playing all this time since we arrived at 8pm.

I found a small barricade and saw a door where a security guy was standing. Hmmm..
I thought...could this be where Adam is??!! So I walked back over and after buying
her tshirt, we walked back over to the barricade and she ended up standing up against

Monte was there and as he was about to turn and go inside the door, my daughter called
out his name and asked for a picture. It came out really good! He said that he liked her
glittery lightning bolt necklace. He was cool. One time he flung open the door and screamed
"OMG ADAM!!!" because every time the door opened people called out Adam's name.

From where we were standing (only feet away from the door) we could see Adam's
Sleepwalker coat, his black n blue vest with the "A" on the back of it, and the Strut jacket.
It was soooooooo awesome to see those up close like that. They must have a good
dry cleaner cuz they didn't look sweaty at all!!! :haha:

Monte kept coming out and going back in the building.

Orianthi was over and came out to go in the building and my daughter asked for a pic
and the girl near her asked for a hug, so Ori threw her arms around both of them and
hugged them. That was nice. I was glad for my daughter.

After a little bit, they rolled Adam's "costumes" out to behind a fence. I wondered why.

As 9:15/9:30pm was approaching we saw the dancers and band members all ready with
makeup and looking great each time the door opened.

From where we were, only feet away from the tent, we heard "Stayin' Alive" and "Don't Stop
Believing". After a while they finally played FYE!!!

The band/dancers were all ready and came out after a bit.

I didn't want to go to my seat because I wanted to see Adam come out the door with his
full purple outfit on. I had never seen a picture of him before the show with it and wanted
to see him up close.

The door opened and Adam was there in the full purple gear! Hat, feather, coat and all!!!

My daughter and everyone screamed. I took a vid of it and then the door was closed.

As FYE played and the fans screamed inside the tent, a guy opened the door and we saw
Adam. He was waiting to go out to the tent. I could see all his makeup and how tall he was!
It was a dream. I can't even describe how awesome it was to see him dressed like that up

I felt like it was my first time ever seeing him. I had seen him twice on the AI tour in
Hartford and Providence and met him in Providence. This night was my second out of three

Tomorrow we see him in Albany which is our last of the tour. :'( since he is going further away
from here.

After I took a video of him walking out, all I could see was darkness in my camera after
the door closed and he came out. You can hear all the screaming....It was so awesome!

We ran to some seats that weren't ours and I got him on video going down the aisle which
was across our section. Our aisle was where the dancers came down. One time before the
encore, Monte and Longineu were about to come down our aisle and they bumped each other
because Monte was telling him it was the next aisle, so they had to run over to the next
section outside the tent. That was cute!!!

I have to say that even though we had second to the last row at this concert, it was still
a great time. The tent is way too small for Adam to play in. I felt bad that he didn't have
a lot of room and there was a pole in his face. Sometimes it was in our way from seeing his

He of course put on a great show. He only sang TCB on the encore but we ran out to go
to the barricades in case he was going to sign.

When he came out I took a video of him coming out of the tent, he waved with both
gloved hands to all of us and then went in the building. The band members and
dancers came out and I got to "watch" Tommy as he walked into the building.
I wished I could have met him. The staff then immediately took
away the barricades. We were disappointed. Did Adam sign at all that night? We had to leave
to get our ride so we hoped he didn't sign.

He looked and sounded amazing. He took my breath away. Adam is my very favorite
of all time. I don't want to see anyone but him anymore. I can't wait for tomorrow
night to see him in ALBANY!! Thankfully we have 6th row tomorrow night. I'm so excited!!
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2010-08-19 Hyannis, MA, Cape Cod Melody Tent


Post by Tiki »

AniMaL' date='Sep 2nd 2010, 9:01 PM

Pholgaras kanal
Monte & Tommy -- The Interviews Part 1 « On the Meaning of Adam Lambert

AniMaL' date='Sep 5th 2010, 2:14 AM

Pholgaras kanal
Interview with Adam Lambert band members Monte Pittman and Tommy Joe Ratliff - Part 2
Silvia' date='Sep 12th 2010, 8:28 PM

Voodoo HD

Fever HD

Strut HD

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Post by Tiki »

joooory' date='Oct 22nd 2010, 11:53 PM





joooory' date='Oct 23rd 2010, 12:29 AM


joooory' date='Oct 23rd 2010, 1:06 AM


joooory' date='Oct 23rd 2010, 1:49 AM


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2010-08-19 Hyannis, MA, Cape Cod Melody Tent


Post by Tiki »

joooory' date='Jan 29th 2011, 10:19 PM

suz526 HD
danilo85' date='Jun 25th 2011, 8:01 AM

New video from @suz256
Vodoo medley :






Sure Fire Winners

Music Again

If I Had You

20th Century Boy
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