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***Have-At-It Never-Ending Gabfest***

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2016 2:51 pm
by madamimadam
misswood » Tue Jul 05, 2016 2:39 pm wrote:
Lizziek » Tue Jul 05, 2016 9:03 am wrote:
bebeg » Mon Jul 04, 2016 8:25 pm wrote:Hope it's been a safe and happy 4th for my fellow Americans. To celebrate all Americans, here's a great new video from the Ad Council with John Cena explaining what patriotism really means.

[bbvideo=560,3 15][/bbvideo]
I love this's perfect ! With what's going on in the world and in our country, we need to pull together..not let hateful people (insert Donald Trump) pull us apart.

I had a nice restful 4th of July. My kitties are good with fireworks, so I don't have to worry about them. I live on the MA coast a couple of miles from RI, so I was able to see fireworks Sat, Sun and last night! I couldn't see the ground fireworks, but that's ok. Lots of tourists in town for the Bristol parade kept me around home and out of touristy areas like Newport RI. Still able to get my lobster roll though. Yum!

Really enjoying knowing where Adam is and hoping for more videos soon. Thanks to everyone who brings in all the news and pics and videos. I know there is a tutorial that Marie wrote, and I'll have to find it so maybe I can help with pics and vids.

Welcome to the newbies. ::hello::
I could definitely use some more rest! ::angry:: Our cats stay indoors but 2 of them still were still kinda freaked out over all the racket. They're fine now though ::smile:: And as far as the babbling cheese puff goes... Isn't it amazing that someone who is so obviously phony, can have so many people fooled? ::whut::
::icant:: ::crylaugh:: ::hysterical:: ::crylaugh:: ::hysterical:: ::crylaugh:: ::icant::

***Have-At-It Never-Ending Gabfest***

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2016 6:09 pm
by Lizziek
madamimadam » Tue Jul 05, 2016 2:51 pm wrote:
misswood » Tue Jul 05, 2016 2:39 pm wrote:
Lizziek » Tue Jul 05, 2016 9:03 am wrote:
bebeg » Mon Jul 04, 2016 8:25 pm wrote:Hope it's been a safe and happy 4th for my fellow Americans. To celebrate all Americans, here's a great new video from the Ad Council with John Cena explaining what patriotism really means.

[bbvideo=560,3 15][/bbvideo]
I love this's perfect ! With what's going on in the world and in our country, we need to pull together..not let hateful people (insert Donald Trump) pull us apart.

I had a nice restful 4th of July. My kitties are good with fireworks, so I don't have to worry about them. I live on the MA coast a couple of miles from RI, so I was able to see fireworks Sat, Sun and last night! I couldn't see the ground fireworks, but that's ok. Lots of tourists in town for the Bristol parade kept me around home and out of touristy areas like Newport RI. Still able to get my lobster roll though. Yum!

Really enjoying knowing where Adam is and hoping for more videos soon. Thanks to everyone who brings in all the news and pics and videos. I know there is a tutorial that Marie wrote, and I'll have to find it so maybe I can help with pics and vids.

Welcome to the newbies. ::hello::
I could definitely use some more rest! ::angry:: Our cats stay indoors but 2 of them still were still kinda freaked out over all the racket. They're fine now though ::smile:: And as far as the babbling cheese puff goes... Isn't it amazing that someone who is so obviously phony, can have so many people fooled? ::whut::
::icant:: ::crylaugh:: ::hysterical:: ::crylaugh:: ::hysterical:: ::crylaugh:: ::icant::
That is a perfect description of the jerk! I may steal it!!! ::wheee:: ::icant:: ::thumbsup::

***Have-At-It Never-Ending Gabfest***

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2016 7:27 pm
by Love2Lurk
bebeg » Mon Jul 04, 2016 8:25 pm wrote:Hope it's been a safe and happy 4th for my fellow Americans. To celebrate all Americans, here's a great new video from the Ad Council with John Cena explaining what patriotism really means.


Saw this too on my it & the message ::heart::

Hoping all from US....had a great & safe Independence Day too ::yessss::

Always seems for me....when we get to July 4th...the summer is almost over ::rolleyes::

Peace & love to you all ::flowers::

***Have-At-It Never-Ending Gabfest***

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2016 8:25 pm
by svca
I love that description of Trump lol ::icant:: ::icant::

I'm not usually a political person, at all, but I loathe him with the heat of thousand suns ::livid:: ::livid:: ::livid::

***Have-At-It Never-Ending Gabfest***

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2016 11:24 pm
by tbert
Hi SCVA ::highfive::

***Have-At-It Never-Ending Gabfest***

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2016 6:18 pm
by madamimadam
Well, I've gotta say that today took me by surprise... I was doing real life stuff and came to check twitter around 2:00 p.m. figuring I'd put up the new XFactor pics up later today...

Adam, I really, really, really need you to take a load off so I can tend to my stuff that I've put aside since January!!!!! ::friendsLOL::

It's all about me!!!!!

Joking aside, the Hands song is such a glorious way to help Orlando families who suffered and are still suffering since the shooting...

And, WTTS video? ::drool:: ::drool:: ::drool:: ::drool:: ::drool:: ::drool:: ::drool:: ::drool::

***Have-At-It Never-Ending Gabfest***

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2016 6:51 pm
by Carmi
What a day. ::woohoo:: Hands from last night was awesome enough on its own and now WTTS vid? ::spaz:: The man never stops does he? ::haha:: It's like Christmas with all the goodies and pressies.THIS is why QAL is so important for him to do. QAL $$$ allows him to finance his vanity projects and we benefit from it all as fans. It's perfect all the way around. He gets to sing great songs that are tried and true and express his very theatrical side. While still being able to create his own music albums and side projects.

I hope that the nay sayers of QAL can see this clearly today. Adam knows exactly what he is doing and should never be doubted. He is a force of nature creatively. He has a vision and can now pursue them with financial comfort. ::yessss::

***Have-At-It Never-Ending Gabfest***

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2016 7:06 pm
by madamimadam
Carmi » Wed Jul 06, 2016 6:51 pm wrote:What a day. ::woohoo:: Hands from last night was awesome enough on its own and now WTTS vid? ::spaz:: The man never stops does he? ::haha:: It's like Christmas with all the goodies and pressies.THIS is why QAL is so important for him to do. QAL $$$ allows him to finance his vanity projects and we benefit from it all as fans. It's perfect all the way around. He gets to sing great songs that are tried and true and express his very theatrical side. While still being able to create his own music albums and side projects.

I hope that the nay sayers of QAL can see this clearly today. Adam knows exactly what he is doing and should never be doubted. He is a force of nature creatively. He has a vision and can now pursue them with financial comfort. ::yessss::
Standing O....

::clapbig:: ::clapbig:: ::clapbig:: ::clapbig:: ::clapbig:: ::clapbig:: ::clapbig:: ::clapbig:: ::clapbig::

***Have-At-It Never-Ending Gabfest***

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2016 7:25 pm
by Paula
If you have a look at Justin Tranter's instagram, the video clip he has of "Hands" starts with Adam's part! AMAZING! Check it out guys, and don't forget to give it likes!

***Have-At-It Never-Ending Gabfest***

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2016 7:56 pm
by nica575
hotouthere » Sun Jul 03, 2016 11:44 pm wrote:I think the problem is that many of the posters have posted and talked themselves to death! Lol!

We all started out in the same place and then split up into many different web sites and then we condensed into three main sites: MTT, Adamtopia & Adam Official. Outside of those, I spoke to some ladies who said that there are quite a few who keep in touch through facebook. Of course there are also some on ONTD and then groups from other countries who are more comfortable using their own language and have found their own means of communicating.

Generally, I don't think they have given up on Adam and they still want to go to his concerts but just have moved on with their lives; no longer feeling a need to be on here with the same intensity, if at all. They have families and busy lives that demand much of their time and sometimes it is hard to join into a conversation if you are not staying so closely in touch with what is going on. I have no responsibilities other than work and no family members to take care of so coming on here is one of my pleasures and ways of avoiding total boredom. Yes, I am guilty of spending more time just reading and looking at videos than actually posting things but I do try to contribute when the inspiration hits me! ::brightidea:: ::crylaugh::

I do know that many of our OG Glamberts are on still on twitter which allows them the freedom to move around and just add their 2 cents worth of commentary as they go. That same group has embraced Instagram and Snapchat as well....and this of course is how we obtain a lot of the content on this forum.

Adam just isn't spending enough time in America popping up on our TV or in the tabloids. He is just too one has a beef with him. The paparazzi don't even try to take advantage of him much anymore! I think that until Adam finds some way to really grab the attention of the American public on a more constant basis again, we are just not going to see the same level of involvement on the forums like before.
yup, there are lots of reasons people leave fan sites (having to stay on topic, moderation, relative lack of "conversation/chat" as compared to Twitter, appearance of Instagram and Snapchat)... But I still think there are plenty of active fans overall...and as you mentioned - non-English speaking communities are active as well. For instance I peek into a couple of Russian language sites - these have a very large and VERY YOUNG and very active membership. They have designated members who translate interviews and articles and discuss every little detail of anything Adam ::thumbsup:: I also know that NZ GlitterTribe has an active FB group... I am sure other countries have similar arrangements...

As far as American public is concerned - I personally gave up on the idea he'll make it here to the extend other lesser talents do...IMO he is just too good to be appreciated by the masses...Having said that - I am sure everyone here know that his biggest sales /streaming numbers ARE IN THE USA! So, somehow, by some magic we do have a large number of people listening to Adam....


***Have-At-It Never-Ending Gabfest***

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2016 7:57 pm
by nica575
Carmi » Wed Jul 06, 2016 6:51 pm wrote:What a day. ::woohoo:: Hands from last night was awesome enough on its own and now WTTS vid? ::spaz:: The man never stops does he? ::haha:: It's like Christmas with all the goodies and pressies.THIS is why QAL is so important for him to do. QAL $$$ allows him to finance his vanity projects and we benefit from it all as fans. It's perfect all the way around. He gets to sing great songs that are tried and true and express his very theatrical side. While still being able to create his own music albums and side projects.

I hope that the nay sayers of QAL can see this clearly today. Adam knows exactly what he is doing and should never be doubted. He is a force of nature creatively. He has a vision and can now pursue them with financial comfort. ::yessss::
THIS! EVERY WORD! ::yessss::

***Have-At-It Never-Ending Gabfest***

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2016 7:57 pm
by svca
Lordy, that was torture today at work....all this great stuff happening and I couldn't watch or post or nuthin' ::crying:: ::crying::

Great post, Carmi, and I agree with you...he's definitely no cookie cutter pop artist, there is so much depth to our boy, so much creativity, so much heart.

Have I mentioned lately I adore him ?? ::winking::

Ok, off to catch up on all the good stuff ::banana:: ::banana::

***Have-At-It Never-Ending Gabfest***

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2016 2:47 pm
by madamimadam
Can we reboot 2016? ::crying:: ::cryblownose:: ::crying:: ::cryblownose:: ::crying:: ::cryblownose:: ::crying::

***Have-At-It Never-Ending Gabfest***

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2016 6:19 pm
by sandyrk
Back to gentler times...

My dear friend's new blog entry is up, a sentimental view of Freddie Mercury's home...

Please enjoy.

[bbvideo=560,315] ... lodge.html[/bbvideo]

***Have-At-It Never-Ending Gabfest***

Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2016 10:16 am
by sandyrk
...and a little bit about our trip, with a picture of my friend Joy...
I was the photographer, so I didn't have to have a picture of myself included ::haha:: ::haha:: ::haha::

[bbvideo=560,315] ... nings.html[/bbvideo]

***Have-At-It Never-Ending Gabfest***

Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2016 10:19 am
by svca
Wow, what an awesome trip.....thanks for sharing ::flowers::

***Have-At-It Never-Ending Gabfest***

Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2016 10:42 am
by sandyrk
Just thinking about TOH. I do not understand why that song was not released as a single! Makes me angry, actually ::thumbup:: ::livid:: ::livid::

***Have-At-It Never-Ending Gabfest***

Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2016 12:10 pm
by hotouthere
sandyrk » Sat Jul 09, 2016 7:42 am wrote:Just thinking about TOH. I do not understand why that song was not released as a single! Makes me angry, actually ::thumbup:: ::livid:: ::livid::
I've seen lots of tweets saying the same thing!

***Have-At-It Never-Ending Gabfest***

Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2016 12:52 pm
by Paula
sandyrk » Sat Jul 09, 2016 10:42 am wrote:Just thinking about TOH. I do not understand why that song was not released as a single! Makes me angry, actually ::thumbup:: ::livid:: ::livid::
Yeah, I agree. That song would have been the perfect summer single.

***Have-At-It Never-Ending Gabfest***

Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2016 1:57 pm
by Lizziek
Paula » Sat Jul 09, 2016 12:52 pm wrote:
sandyrk » Sat Jul 09, 2016 10:42 am wrote:Just thinking about TOH. I do not understand why that song was not released as a single! Makes me angry, actually ::thumbup:: ::livid:: ::livid::
Yeah, I agree. That song would have been the perfect summer single.
I thought that too Paula when the album first came out. I thought they were saving it for the summer. I think they were afraid of the "high" connotation. ::fail:: They screwed up bigtime!!! Think of the questionable lyrics that are in some of the songs that become "ahem" hits. ::puke:: That's why i like my classic rock stations. I'll take Ozzy over Kanye anyday. ::grin:: It's just too bad for Adam. ::cryblownose::